Chapter Six

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    I woke up the following morning to the sunlight shining in on my face. I slowly rolled over to an empty bed. I sat up to find a random guy standing infront of the door.
    "Its ok Ava, my name is Slinky, I'm one of Dane's guys" Slinky said. I stared him up and down; boy he was buff and he had muscles, not to mention the massive gun in his arms aswell.
    "Ok, could y-you call Dane i-in here?" I asked nervously. Big guys in a room alone with me made me nervous. Slinky nodded and opened the door.
    "Dane, she's awake" He called out before stepping to the side of the door. Dane came in a few moments later.
    "Ah, I see you've met Slinky, its ok, he's a pro with that thing" Dane said pointing to the gun as he sat on the bed.
    "Right," I said uncertain. "Um, i need to change" I said. As soon as the words were out Sliky was out of the room and I laughed at that but Dane stayed. I raised my eye brows at him and he shook his head.
    "I'm not leaving the room but I promise I won't look" He said still sitting on the edge of the bed.
    "Where are the clothes?" I asked awkwardly.
    "Right" he said and stood up. He walked over to the draws that had the television sitting on top and opened the top one. "There are some underwear in here and some jeans, shirts, a jumper, a dress and a few skirts as well as socks and bras" He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes and flung the covers off showing my legs. I got up and Dane's shirt came just under my butt so nothing could be seen anyway. I walked over, grabbed some underwear, a bra, a pair of socks, a shirt and a pair of jeans.
    "You can look away now" I said to Dane, he stared for a few seconds before turning around so his back was to me. I quickly got out of the clothes i was currently in and got into the newer ones, the jeans were a perfect fit but the top and jumper were a little baggy but that didnt matter, I didn't like clothes hugging my body too much. "Done" I said and slowly dane turned around.
    "Would you like some breakfast?" Dane asked walking over to me. I nodded and decided a coffee was good too.
    "And a coffee" I said. Dane's right hand came up to my face to cup my cheek before he gave me a light feather touching, teasing kiss and walking out. "Jerk" I mumbled before following him out.
    "I heard that by the way" Dane said as we got to the loungeroom full of guys. My eyes widened and felt my self stepping back a little bit. I felt my hands get clammy and sweaty.
    "Its alright Ava, we wont hurt you" Slinky said. I blinked back tears. I wasn't comfortable with this many guys in the same room as me, especially when I was the only girl.
    It was like my family, I only had one female cousin and I had four male cousins, on my mothers side, Brenda was my only female relative, she was my only relative really, she hadnt got married and had children and she was my mothers only sibling.
    On my fathers side, I had Aunty Trudy but she was a cow and I hadnt seen her for about five years, not including the funeral. I had three uncles though and I always hated family barbique's especially when Uncle Ray was there. He use to me my favourite Uncle until I stayed over one night and was violated beyond repair. I could never get that image out of my head, even now I have night mares about it. I was only thirteen when it happened I knew what it was. I told my father and mother about it and with out a doubt my Uncle was out of the country with in a week.
    Seeing all these males here now just scared me, even if Dane trusts them, I don't. I know its for my safety and all but I just want to live in my room right now.
    "Ava, what's wrong?" Dane asked rushing over as he sensed my discomfort. I shook my head before rushing back into the room.
    "Too many" Was all I said as I shut my door. Dane knocked softly and I went over to the bed and layed in it, wrapping the covers high under my chin. He knocked again and just walked in. Rude much.
    "Ava, whats wrong?" He repeated.
    "Too many guys, Dane i'm not comfortable with this many guys. I'm the only female here and some of those guys look pretty scary" I explained. Dane smoothed my hair out of my face and chuckled a little.
    "Babe. It's fine. They all have their own hotel rooms. It's just Slinkly, Rapheal and Vincent staying in this one ok? I promise I wont let anyone hurt you if i can help it" Dane said softly.
    "I can't go out there" I whispered. Dane nodded and kissed the top of my head. I will give you a peice of paper and you can meet them all one at a time and write down things you can remember from them incase you forget who they are alright and if they hurt you, you can tell me who it was" Dane said standing up. He went out the door and sighed. He returned two minutes later with a pen, paper, a book to lean on and Slinky.
    "Hi" Slinky waved with his big muscles, he didnt have the gun this time and he looked out of place without it. "My name is Trev but everyone calls me Slinky, I'm twenty-five, I have blue eyes and I'm a sniper"
"Right, Slinky, Blue eyes, muscles, sniper, twenty-five. Next" I said writing as I was talking. He left and another guy came in.
    "Rapheal, I'm twenty-two, my eyes are green, I'm a sniper and combat guy and I am aslo quick" Rapheal said. I nodded and started writing.
    "Rapheal, green eyes, short, sniper, combat, fast, twenty-two. Next" I said. He left and another came in, this one was asian so I could see he was a combat guy.
    "Combat?" I asked, He nodded.
    "Vincent, twenty-six, combat and knives are my specialty, brown eyes" Vincent said. I wrote it all down before comfirming like i did was all the others.
    "Vincent, short, asian, knives and combat, twenty- six, brown eyes. Next" I said. He left and another came in. This one was cute.
    "Lewis, I'm twenty-two, I have blue eyes, im a tech guy for computers and stuff, I can even hack CIA. I know how to use a gun and I know my fighting moves" Lewis said I smiled and wrote down my notes.
    "Lewis, twenty-two, cute, blond, blue eyes, computer guy. Next" I said which made him smile as he left. I side glanced at Dane who didnt look too happy. Another came in and he was cutish but not as cute as Lewis.
    "Speed. I am twenty-six, brown eyes, I'm the driver, and I live with my mother still" He said. I smiled and wrote.
    "Speed, mamma's boy, twenty-six, driver, brown eyes. Next" I said. Dane came and sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my lower back to whisper in my ear.
    "Do i have some competetion?" He asked and I shuddered as it sent shivers down my spine.
    "No" I laughed as the next one came in. This guy was big and scary looking.
    "Name's Bill, I am Russian, I am a sniper, my eyes are blue and I am twenty-seven" Bill said. I almost laughed at the fact that this guy was so scary looking and had a name like Bill.
    "Bill, scary as shit, sniper, russian, blue eyes, twenty-seven. Next" I said and he left. The next guy to come in was almost just as scary but he was short.
    "Spider. Combat and weaponary. I have green eyes, twenty-one" The short scary guy named Spider said. He only looked scary because he had tattoo's on every inch of his skin that I could see.
    "Spider, Tattoo boy, combat and weapons, blue eyes, bald, twenty-one. Next" I said and as he left Dane kissed my neck. I was waiting for someone else to show up but they didnt.. "Was that all?" I asked and Dane nodded into the kisses.
    "Yes" Dane said. I laughed as he reached my cheek.
    "Dane, we shouldn't be doing this right now, I have people trying to kill me, we should be finding out who they are and what they want" I said. Dane groaned and lifted his head to look at me.
    "You're right" He said leaning in for a kiss. I gave a quick one but he came back for more. Darn, it didnt work, now we'll be here for ever because neither of us want to stop it.
    Dane pushed me down onto the bed and laid ontop of me kissing me with force and passion. No, it wasn't that it was a needing kiss and wanting kiss and I liked it. I laced my fingers through his black hair and pulled him as close to me as i could and he was doing the same because one hand was under my head and the other under my body at the small of my back pushing me closer. I really don't think we could get much closer though.
    Argh. Why was he such a pro at this kissing stuff. He makes me forget everything and I never want it to end.


    After a few amazing minutues I pulled back from the kiss knowing that if it kept going we would both get  surprise.
    I leaned back and propped my self up on my elbows so i wasnt putting pressure onto her body. I looked down at the angel laying underneath me and hoping and praying that once this was over, I wouldn't get sent away. I wanted to stay right here with Ava. I brushed a strand of hair out of Ava's face and kissed her nose.
    "You're beautiful" I said watching her cheeks turn red.
    "Liar" She said. I smiled and kissed her on the cheek before getting up.
    "I'm not lying Ava" I said. I left her there before she could respond and walked out to the living room where all the guys were sitting and standing and talking.
    "Right, we need to know who owns that warehouse that Ava was held in" I said. Lewis nodded and started typing away at his laptop. "Some one needs to go get coffee and breakfast. Mcdonal's is just across the street, get McMuffins for everyone and a coffee for everyone including Ava" I said. Spider and Rapheal nodded and left.
    "Uh Dane, we got an owner" Lewis said. I walked over to the computer and the name that was displayed on the screen made my blood run cold. I couldn't believe my eyes. No way they could be the owner.
    "Shit" Was all I was capable of saying right then.
    "What do you want us to do?" Lewis asked. I thought for a moment. This was different and Ava couldn't know who that warehouse belonged to.
    "Nothing yet. Get me a cell phone" I said. Lewis handed over his own. I looked at him for a second. "Once I'm done, I will be destroying this phone" I said and waited foir a response but Lewis only shrugged. I shrugged in response and walked into the kitchen to make the call.


    Dane left me there red as a tomato. He had called me beautiful and I called him a liar. I don't get compliments that often and I didnt know what to say in return. Once Dane walked out I grabbed the tv remote and turned on the television just as my stomach growled. I wish they would hurry up with that breakfast I wanted half hour ago, and the coffee.
    "Breaking News. A young woman in her early thirties and her eighteen year old neice has been ubducted from her farm house home in Spring Vale, there was evidence of a struggle at the scene.." the news reporter said. My heart sank in my chest. They took my Aunt. This was my fault. I swallowed the lunp in my throat before jumping out of the bed and racing to the door. I swung it open and ran into Dane in the process of running to find him.
    "They took her. They have Brenda, it was on the news" I said as I pointed to the television. Dane's concerned face was looking at the television.
    "If anyone has any news on the where abouts of these missing women, please call any police station or hospital or call this number.." The news left a number on the screen to call.
    "We have to call them and tell them that I'm ok" I said.
    "No Ava, we can't. It's a trap" Dane said. A trap? Oh yeah because the police are behind it and all.
    "What? How is making a phone call to the police a trap?" I asked.
    "Because they have the phone lines tapped, if we ring and tell them that you are safe and where you are they will know and come and get you. We can't do that" Dane hissed back.
    "Brenda" I said as i started sobbing. Dane pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back whispering to me.
    "I'll be fine. Brenda will be fine" He kept whispering until i calmed down and stopped crying.

    After breakfast Lewis hacked into my dad's files from his work in search of anything that could help us find these people or any indications of who these people were and by lunch we had narrowed it down to about fifty people who my father had pissed off so really not much help. I was pacing back and forth in the living room part of the hotel when something hurled its way through the window. I squealed and everyone was in combat mode, guns raised and loaded, weapons out, fists up and no possible way of gettin to me unless you decided to drill through the top room.
    "Guard her. I'm going to see what it was" Dane said as he left the circle around me. I was panicked and starting to get a little clostraphobic. "It's a brick, with a note"  He said in a confused tone. I didnt care what it was, I wanted air, it was getting harder to breath.
    "Move" I said softly, Spider looked at me with worry before stepping back.
    "Guys, she's clostraphobic" Spider said. He must have seen the sweat dripping off my face. I pushed past him and went over to the corner of the room. I couldn't think properly, I had never been like this before, I mean in elevators, I get stuffy with three people in there but being in the middle of six was scary. I didnt even notice Dane was kneeling by me picking me up. I didn't care though, I just needed to get away from people. I didnt even care about the note at that moment.
    "It's ok. I'll put you in bed and bring a glass of water, I'm sorry, I didn't know you got clostraphobic" Dane said as we entered the bedroom. All I could manage was a nod, I wanted to tell him it was ok and how could he have known, I wanted to comfort the worry but I couldn't even comfort my own.
    Dane laid me on the bed and while i was getting my breath back he kissed my for head and left the room.


    "What did the note say?" Rapheal asked as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard.
    "Not even close" I replied. I didnt understand it but I knew that we could get matching hand writing off this note to anyone in the state who has signed a legal document.
    "Was that all?" Rapheal asked. I nodded and poured water into the glass for Ava.
    Heading into the room I was thinking about it all. They knew where we were, how? Do we need to leave? This wasn't fair on Ava. I should tell her about what we found out earlier.
    As i walked in Ava had gone to sleep. I kissed her cheek, placed the water on the bed side table and left.
    "Did you find anything out about that warehouse?" Vincent asked peeking through the window, looking from one side to the other.
    "No answer. I think she knows" I said. I was confused now though. We were certain of who this person was but she still says that we're not close, they know what we're doing, but how? Unless.. Realisation clicked in. Someone on the inside is really on the out side. But how? Now i was getting a head ache, i never got head aches, it wasn't possible but this was just mind fucking.

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