Chapter Two

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    "You can clean the poop and lay more hay" I said with a wink. With an eye roll he took the shovel and got to work.


    Dane was a pest and to put it blunt annoying. He rocks up at the farm to get to know me, scares the shit out of me in the process. He follows me while I try to do my job so I make him help me and now he is making himself at home. He has grrabbed a soda out of the fridge and is now sitting on my couch watching a show that I don't even like.

    Grr he makes my blood boil but I'm too nice of a person to just tell him to leave so instead I find things to entertain myself with. I start with the washing.

    "Shouldn't you be going home soon?" I asked as I grabbed the basket from the other end of the couch. He pulled a weird face that almost made me laugh before he answered.

    "No, I don't know anything about you" he replied. I felt like yelling at him. He hadn't told me anything about himself either so that's not fair.

    "I live on a farm, my name is Ava, I'm eighteen next week, I go to Spring Vale High, my favourite colour is blue, now leave" I said.

    "What day?" He asked taking his eyes away from the tv for a second.

    "Tuesday, why?" I asked. I didn't see how any of this was relevant to anything.

    "Just asking. I live in the city, my name is Dane, I am eighteen, I go to Spring Vale High, my favourite colour is pink" he said. I looked at him weirly for a minute before he smiled. "Nah its actually blue too" he said drinking from his soda. I rolled my eyes and went to the laundry to find that Bud was locked in there - Bud is Brenda's dog, he's a kelpie and excellent guard dog.

    "There you are Bud" I said as he took off out and into the living room where Dane was. I was was waiting for him to bark but instead he sat down infront of him and licked his hand that was dangling just off the couch. Shaking my head I continued to do my washing.

    "What cha doin'?" Dane asked scaring the crap out of me. I clutched me chest and he laughed.

    "Doing washing, your a male and don't know the word" I replied pressing the start button.  

    "I know the word, in fact I do washing myself, and vacuum and do dishes" Dane said catching me off guard. I had never met a guy who admitted to that.

    "Ok well I need to vacuum now so if you don't mind" I said making a shoo signal with my hand as I pushed past him. Our lands touched and it felt like I had electricity running through my veins. I shook it off and went on my way. I left Dane standing in the kitchen while I went to vacuum, hoping maybe he would just leave.


    As she left to do the vacuuming I thought I would be a gentlmen and do the dishes. I found the dish washing liquid and after putting the plug in I squirted some into the sink then ran the hot water. While the water was running I put the cuttlery and plates in the sink to soak.

    Halfway through the dishes Ava came back in. I didn't see her facial expression but I sensed she was there watching me and after a few seconds she left again, probably pretending she hadn't even seen me doing them.

    I don't blame her for being mad at me before but I had to get a feel for everything in the house so I knew where the entrances were. I found all of them down stairs but didn't get to look up stairs yet. While I was thinking about all these things Ava came back with a dish cloth and stared wiping the dishes.

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