Henry was their main leader, already catching quite a few eyes.

"Who's the handsome guy, Seb?" asked Mandy in between her hits.

"Henry White, the last of the Negators. Val's friend or something similar. He came after her."

"Val is alive?" said Mandy, surprised.

A Ribbon tried to take advantage of her, and received a straight face punch for his insolence.

"Why the hell didn't you mention that in the first place?"

"Mandy, we have a lot on our hands right now, ok. We'll talk about it later. Now, focus. Aldus Green wants to get away."

Aldus' face was pale, and he was shaking from fear. Very few of his army was now still standing, and they wouldn't hold much longer. He stumbled backwards, right into one of the vans.

"He's mine."

Vanessa appeared between Seb and Mike. Her stare was lethal. She grabbed Sebastian's waist, holding on to him tight.

"Take me there."

Mike gave him a frightened look. Seb could only comply with her words. "Yes, ma'am."


Aldus stood right in front of the vehicle, ready to abort mission. He didn't care about the Ribbons, he didn't even care about his stupid daughter, who had managed to piss off Aurelia's medium. She had to get herself out of this alone.

The only thing he did regret was not killing that idiot Rosenberg and his little cocksucker. It would have been a pleasure to witness Vanessa's face, when her lover's brains were all over the floor.

Aldus never heard the footsteps behind him, pre-occupied with his wishful thinking. He turned around to take a good final look in the battlefield, when Vanessa's merciless punch found him right under his jaw, a hit that made him spit teeth all over the ground.

"You're not going anywhere, Aldus."

She struck again, harder this time, in his unprotected belly, a hit that stopped his breath and made him double up in half, falling on his knees.

"You... you... whore."

Vanessa looked at him with hate and a tiny bit of pity.

"I hope you'll have a nice time in the Underground, Aldus."


Amy punched and kicked indiscriminately, her hormones out of control. Her enemies were an endless sea of faces, and sometimes, she would see her father or brother amongst. She kicked those few poor bastards extra hard.

She looked over the hill and saw Mike and Mandy annihilating a bunch of full-armoured guards.

That bastards get all the action and I am left here with the small fries.

And there were not so many of them left too. Everyone was either on the ground, or slowly falling back, in order to save their lives.

Amy pushed the Quick-Call for John's PA.

"Amy, hi."

"Is everything alright, John? Is he alright?"

Small pause.

"We're fine over here. We are protected and our Instructors just joined us."

"What about Val?"

"She is pursuing Alice, Amy. She is fine and Alice is pretty hurt. I think she is going to be alright."

"John... I can see Mike a little further front, but I can't see Sebastian."

Rising Power (#1 of the Canton Chronicles Series)Where stories live. Discover now