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­­­Hello my lovelies! I just want to say, thank you! Thank you so much for supporting me! I love you guys <3 Oh, and I want to say thank you especially to CookieDrugger who designed this awesome book cover!

Lets rewind back to one week ago...

“Argh! What’s with all the ruckus,” I mumbled in my sleep.

I forced my eyes to open and looked at the clock on my bedside table. The clock read ‘2:00am’.

“What the fish! It is 2 freaking a.m. in the morning! What are mum and dad arguing about at this ungodly hour?” I cursed and got out of bed.

“Sarah, please understand that I am only doing this for Rachel’s future and the future of our company,” I heard my father plead.

“Dave, we can’t just marry her off to someone she has never met before. How will Rachel react to this? I won’t be able to live with the guilt of Rachel living unhappily because of our decisions!” my mother reasoned.

I stood dead on my tracks. Did I just hear what I think I did? I am going to get married??What in the world is going on?

I wanted to scream but I controlled myself and continued listening to the rest of the conversation.

“No Sarah, Rachel will have plenty of time to get to know her fiancé when she is in college. He will be attending the same college as her,” my dad reassured.

“Okay fine, but when are we going to tell Rachel about this?” my mum questioned.

“Umm...we will tell her after she graduates from high school. We have one year to come up with a good way for us to break the news to her. Then we have another five years for her to get used to the idea of marriage,” my dad explained.

Oh wow! I guess my dad has this all planned out. What would you expect? He is a lawyer after all, I thought to myself.

“Dear, I am still worried. Is her fiancé a nice guy? How does he look? Do you think that he will suit her taste? Do you still remember her ex-boyfriend who was a model? Our daughter has great taste. He has to love her more than we do! Although I doubt that is possible, but still, he has to adore her,” my mum rambled on.

After hearing this, I had to stifle a laugh.

My mum is awesome! She knows me so well.

“Honey, don’t worry about it. He is one of the best looking guys I have ever seen! But he is nowhere as handsome as me, haha. Plus, he goes to Sky Falls High! All the students there come from a good background. Besides, don’t you think that I know my daughter too? Of course I picked the best guy out there to be my future son-in-law!” my dad continued.

Damn! My parents were made for each other. They are like two pieces of a puzzle, or peas in a pod. They are perfect together.

“Okay then, but Dave...we are going to go to LA after Lex and Rach finish their school vacation. I hate our work! Why must we leave our kids and work overseas for an entire year! After we come back, Rach will be heading off to college and we won’t see her often. Lex, would have started her senior year in high school and she will start drifting further apart from us. Ah man! This sucks! I want to spend more time with my kiddies,” my mum grumbled.

“Sarah, I swear, sometimes I feel like you are still the same as you were back when we were still in high school! Haha! Aww...don’t pout my love. I still love you, honey. Anyway, our kids will never drift away from us. If anything, when we return they will love us more because they would have missed us. Our bond as a family will become stronger. So, don’t worry your pretty little head. Okay? Now let’s get back to sleep,” my dad cajoled.

Oh god! I can’t stand all this flirting! For God’s sake, they have been married for about 20 years now, and they still act like a newly married couple.

Now, let me think. My parents are going overseas for a year. I am going to be married after I finish college. I am going to be wedded to someone from Sky Falls High. Oh god! This is unreal! Brain overload much! Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

I snuck back to my bed and looked at Lex’s peaceful sleeping face. I hesitated for a moment before deciding that my problem was big enough to wake her up.

“I am sorry Lex,” I whispered.

Then, I crept up next to her and screamed in her ear.


She half-opened her eyes and stared at me for a moment. Then, she yelled, “What the hell Rach! Are you out of your mind? Do you know what time it is?”

“Yeah, it is 2:45am,” I replied coolly, although I was on the verge of crying.

She looked at me like I was insane.

I just shrugged it off and then all of a sudden, I began sobbing.

“Rach, as much I love you, you can’t just wake me up in the middle of the...” Lex stopped halfway when she saw tears streaming down my face.

“What’s wrong sis?” she asked while cuddling me.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I burst into uncontrollable wails.

“Sis, I am here for you, don’t cry. Talk to me Rach,” she coaxed.

“I...just know...mum...dad...said...I...married...sky falls high...what...scared,” I mumbled incoherently.

“Okay, so let me get this straight. Correct me if I am wrong okay? Mum and dad said that you were going to get married to someone from Sky Falls High. Now, you don’t know what to do, and you are scared. Right?”

I nodded.

“Chill, I will figure something out. Now, just go back to sleep okay. Don’t worry sis, I got your back,” Lex said sweetly and smiled at me.

I couldn’t help but feel relaxed by her calming words.

Soon, I fell asleep.


So what do you guys think? Now, you know how she found out about her parents plan. I bet you think you already know Lex's plan. You could be right, but you could be wrong. Haha! I will upload the next chapter soon :) 

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