Chapter 16

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3rd Pov. Avia

"Today, our fighting stops." Erik said, as Shaw floated in the air, dead.

Erik dropped him and floated down to the ground. Azazel stepped forward to see Shaw dead.

"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there." Erik said and pointed to the battle ships.

"I feel their guns moving in the water, their metal targeting us.
Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown." Erik paused, and Avia stepped forward with Charles.

"The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!" Erik walked forward as Charles walked in tandem with him. He stopped and touched his temple.

"Go ahead, Charles. Tell me I'm wrong." He said, and he glanced back at Avia.

Avia stared at the ships, as she stepped next to Erik. She bent down towards the water, and flung her hand above the water.

A tremor rumbled through the water, as it shook through the ocean. The ships creaked from to movement, as she felt the weapons.

The sound of canons firing erupted through the air as all the missiles from the ships soared towards them.

Avia stood straight and she glanced back at Erik. As the missiles came closer to them Erik moved his hand in the air.

The missiles stopped, and Avia stared at him.

"Erik, you said yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it." Charles pleaded, as Avia watched as the missiles flipped in direction.

"There are thousands of men
on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men!"
"They're just following orders." Charles tried, as Avia moved back towards Alex.

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders."
"Never again." Erik flung his hand out and the missiles flew out towards the ships.

"Erik, release them!" Charles yelled as the missiles rushed faster and Charles glanced back at Avia.
"No!" He yelled, and tackled Erik to the ground.

The missiles faltered, and Erik struggled on the ground. Charles tried to grab the helmet but, Erik recovered.

"I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me!" Erik grunted and elbowed Charles in the face, and pushed him to the ground. He straddled his chest and held him to the ground.

He glance and saw Cassidy, Alex, Avia, and Hank move towards them.

"Stand back!" He yelled and sent the boys backwards into the air. Avia grunted and fell to her knees. She felt his force, and stared at him; hurt.

Erik paused, as he noticed what he had done. His eyes connected to hers as he read her expression.

Charles took the chance and tried to grip the helmet.

"Charles, that's enough!"  Erik grunted and made the missiles go towards the ships.

"Erik, stop!" Charles yelled and tried to grab the helmet. Erik growl in frustaion and shoved Charles back. He backhanded him, and stood as Charles stayed on the ground.

Avia quickly stands up and goes after Erik. Raven grabbed her arm, and Avia shoved her hand against her chest.

Raven yelped as she flew back from the tremor Avia shoved against her chest.

Erik glanced back but, went back to the missiles. Avia ran forward and flung her hand out towards the helmet.

The helmet flew from Erik's head, and he lost control of the missiles. She held her hand out and sent a tremor through the air.

Everyone fell to their knees in pain, as the tremor rumbles loudly, and the missiles exploded above the ships.

Gunshots rang around Erik as Moria shot at him. Erik held his hand out and deflected the bullets. They flung everywhere, as one shot into Charles lower back.

His scream of pain alerted everyone, as Erik and Avia fell down the him.

Erik out his hand behind his wound and pulled out the bullet with his ability. Avia laid Charles on her lap, as Erik stared at her.

Hi eyes scanned her faces, as he tried to remember everything about her. Her smell, her laugh, her eyes.

Avia held Charles as Erik spoke.

"I'm so sorry." Erik said, and looked up at Avia.

"I said back off!" Erik yelled as the others tried to move close.

"You. You did this." Erik said, as he used his ability to choke Moria with her dog tags. Moria grasped her tags, as she struggled for air.

"Erik. Please."
"She didn't do this, Erik. You did." Charles muttered to him, as Avia glanced down at him.

"Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tried to warn you, Charles." Erik started and glanced at Avia. She stared down at Charles.
"I want you by my side.
We're brothers, you and I.
All of us together, protecting each other."
"We want the same thing." Erik stopped, as he waited for Charles answer.

"My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not." Charles said, and Erik went silent. His eyes telling him everything as he looked up. He signaled for Moria to approach and handed him to her.

He gripped Avia's arm, and stood with her.

"Charles! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"It's all right. It's all right." Moria and Charles said softly ad Erik stared with the others.

"This society won't accept us. We form our own. The humans have played their hand." Erik paused and galmced at Avia. She tilted her head dlightky and Erik looked down.

"Now we get ready to play ours.
Who's with me?" Erik said, and glanced around. He held his hand out and gestured towards Raven. Avia stepped away, and looked down at Charles.

"No more hiding." Erik said, as Raven approached him. She glanced between him and Charles and she bent down the Charles.

Avia stood away from them as Erik walked behind her and stopped.

"Avia." He whispered, and she turned slowly.

"Go. Its what you want. With her. Them." She said quietly and he touched her cheek.

"But, I want you. Only you." He said and kissed the corner of her lips. She kissed back lightly, craving his kiss.

"Go." She said again, and copied what he did to her. His hold on her face tightened as he kissed her lips.

Her hand wove into his hair, as his hand snaked to her waist. She opened her mouth wider, as one of his hands gripped the back of her head.

Erik growled, as he pulled away and kissed her lips lightly again.

"I love you."

He whispered, and pulled away. Avia stared up into his eyes and she closed her eyes.

"I love you."

Erik was gone once she opened them, and her emotions fell through. A light sob fell from her lips as she leaned against a tree for support.

A snap of twigs alerted her, as Alex appeared next to her. He sighed at her expression amd instantly hugged her. She sighed into his neck as she embraced him fully.

Serenity || X-Men · Erik Lensherr [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن