Chapter 9

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3rd Pov. Avia

"Why did you not join us?" Charles asked, as he stood behind Avia. She glanced at him and gestured for the seat next to her.

"I heard everything." She replied and stared ahead at the fountain.

"You guys shouldn't have done that. You could of died." Avia said, and glanced at him. He sighed and sat down next to her.

"We did it because you needed to learn to control your gift. Not let it control you." Charles said, and Avia nodding in understanding.

"I know. But everything in my body at the time told me to let you die. I almost did." Avia stood and walled to the fountain a few feet away.

She held her hand out and let it hover over the water. The water began to ripple as you could see the force of the tremor from her hand.

Charles watched and stood after her.

"You can control it now though." He said, and Avia shook her head.

"No i don't. It's a part of me. My tremors are evil, and now it is a part of me. That will never go away." She said, and left Charles to his thoughts.

The dusk had arrived as Avia walked towards her room. Her legs ached from the stairs as she approached her floor.


She looked down and saw Alex standing on the stairs.

"Yeah?" She asked, and he walked up next to her.

"I just wanted to say 'thank you' for the other night." He said, and Avia sighed. She pulled him into a hug, and held him tightly.

She kissed his forehead lightly and walked towards her room. Her mind stopped as she saw Erik sitting at the bench at the edge of her bed.

"Erik." She said, and closed her door lightly.

"Avia." He copied, and stood standing several inches taller than her.

"What did you need?" She asked, and walked to her dresser. She pulled of a ring, as he stood behind her a few feet.

"I needed to speak to you." He said, and Avia turned and sat on her window ledge seat.

Erik hesitantly sat next to her as he spoke.

"I have never felt this in my life. Not since my mother was alive." He said, and his hand slowly intertwined their fingers.

Avia closed her eyes and gave a weak smile.

"I don't want to hurt you." Avia said, and Erik shook his head.

"You won't. I know you won't. I'm just afraid, I'll hurt you." He said, and Avia touched his jaw. He turned to face her, and she glanced at his lips.

Erik leaned forward slightly, as Avia followed suit. Neither moving to touch, till Erik's hand grabbed the back of her neck.

Avia melted into him, as their lips touched. Sparks appeared as they kissed, giving into their feelings.

Avia grabbed his cheek as she opened up more for him. Erik groaned in approval, as he cupped her cheeks.

A rumble ran through the house, as he pulled away and looked at the ground.


He kissed her again, and she held his arms tightly. Another rumble ran through the house, and he only pulled this lips away. Their foreheads touching as their breaths mingled.

"God. Do I do that?" He asked, and Avia nodded.

"Awesome." He muttered and kissed back harder. Avia held him tightly as she licked his lips. He ooend his mouth and she duveled into it with her tongue.

Erik did the same, as the rumbles ran through the house more frequent.

"Avia!" Charles yells through the hall as he ran towards her room. She sighed an pulled away, as Erik chuckled.

She fixed her hair back and Erik did the same. Charles rushed in and stopped at the sight.

"Erik." He sighed and looked to Avia.

"Are you alright?" He asked, and she nodded lightly. He gave them a nod and backed away knowing he ruined a moment.

Avia giggled as Erik smiled wide, as he watched her movements.


I'm trying to make more parts by making fillers and flashbacks.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


Serenity || X-Men · Erik Lensherr [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora