Chapter 7

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3rd Pov. Avia

Avia stood outside as she waited for Charles. He gave her sweats, but she fixed it to her liking.
The top had no sleeves and it was sewn tighter to fit her figure. The pants were sewn tighter as well.

She tied her hair back, and leaned against the railing. She waited, as Erik came into view.

"Where's Charles?" Avia asked, as he walked closer.

"I'm gonna train you actually. Physically, and mutantly." Erik said as he walked around me, prowling me.

"Okay." Avia said quietly as he moved closer. His hand snaking to her waist. It slid across her stomach and it landed on her hip. His breath fanning on her neck, as she caught a thought in his mind.

'Doubt she'll see this.'

Erik said in his mind, and Avia smirked. His grip on her hips tightened as he went to trip her.

Avia jumped and flipped forward away from him. Erik stared at her wide eyed, as she held her fists in a fighting position.


"Clever. What gifts do you posses from others?" Erik asked as he sat next to her on a bench.

"I can. Or i should say a, telepathic. Invisibility, healer, magnetism from you. Shapeshifting, telekinesis, absorption, force fields, oh, teleporting." Avia said, and Erik smirked.

"Alright so let's work on one you can't really control." Erik said and stood.

"My real gift. Tremors. If you consider it a gift." Avia said, and stood. Charles slowly walked up to them.

"Then let's test it." He said, and Avia shook her head.

"Not here. I would kill you all." Avia said, and Charles shrugged.

"Then let's go." Erik said and grabbed her arm. Charles did the same, and she sighed. She closed her eyes, and concentrated on an empty place.


Avia gasped as she glanced around and saw them surrounded by sand.

"God! Where are we?" Charles asked as he stumbled around.

"Egypt. Away from most life." Avia said and Charles and Erik stood in front of her.

"Have a go at it." Charles said and she shook her head.

"No. I'll kill you guys." Avia said and Erik made the belt Avia had wrapped around her waist go to Charles's.

He gestured his hands up and he and Charles hovered up in the air.

"Do it. Believe you can control it, and it won't control you." Charles said, and Erik gave her a reassuring look.

Avia glanced around her, and she closed her eyes. Her hands moved out from her slightly, as a wave of air hit the sand around her.

Erik watched as the sand began to hover in the air as tremors made it move faster.

Avia sighed loudly as she made the tremors increase. Her body stumbled a little as the sand stood in the air. Then, the sounds of rocks cracking and shifting loudly caught their ears.

Avia gasped as she felt the ground vibrate, to where it could be heard. Charles watched the sand shift, and move.

Avia fell to her knees as she screamed in pain and control.

"Avia!" Erik yelled, and went to lower himself.

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