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When Haneul was on her way to home, she was walking around the town alone. Then, she saw a group of guys surrounding one guy. And one of them was punching him making his lips bleeding. *what did that guy just do?* thought Haneul. She decided to went near them and have a look. *I better call the police first* thought Haneul. When she was about to take her phone, the guy speak and his voice sounds very familiar to her. "Do you even know who I am? Yah, im Jung Daehyun the gangster that everyone's afraid of~ and for your information, I don't take money as a pay~" said the guy. *Daehyun?* thought Haneul. Haneul went nearer to them and saw that guy who spoke just now, punched the man in his face.

"Daehyun? Daehyun is that you?" asked Haneul *please don't let it be the Daehyun that I know* hoped Haneul. Her eyes are almost teary and she's not ready to know the truth. Daehyun who was busy punching and kicking that man, heard that someone was calling him. When he tilted his head, he saw Haneul. *this is bad* thought Daehyun and released the guy. "You may go now" said Yongguk to the man and he ran away from them. "Daehyun, is that really you?" asked Haneul and walked to him. "Wait, Haneul I can explain...." Say Daehyun. "Please tell me it can't be the Daehyun that I know... please... it's not you, right?" asked Haneul. Daehyun saw that her eyes are forming tears and she's gonna cry in anytime.

"Answer me Daehyun!" shouted Haneul and she dropped her tears. Daehyun closed his eyes and sigh *it's time to tell her* thought Daehyun. "Haneul.... Im the Jung Daehyun that you know.... Im your best friend who's been acting innocent all along to you.... As for you to know, this is how I am when im outside of the school...." Said Daehyun. "So it is you.... Now everything is true... you're the guy that I saw that day punching a man too! I tried to deny it because the Daehyun that I know is not a gangster who loves to beat up people! You lied to me!" shouted Haneul and her tears won't stop dropping.

Daehyun really wants to comfort her and wiped her tears but he can't. "And who are they, huh? Your friends who's same as you?" asked Haneul looking at B.A.P "they're my friends but-" Haneul cut off his words. "So they are the one who you've been hanging out to? Why you didn't tell me? Why?" asked Haneul "Look, I can explain-"his words got cut off by Haneul again "there's no need to explain, I don't wanna hear anything from you....." said Haneul and ran away leaving Daehyun. "WAIT! HANEUL-AH!" shouted Daehyun and was about to catch her but stopped by B.A.P "you should give some time to her...." said Himchan "haishhh! Now everything had messed up!" said Daehyun.

When Haneul came home, she was crying and just threw the ramen that she bought in the living room. She climbed upstairs and went straight to her room. Her parents heard her cries and knocked her door. "Sweetheart what wrong? Did someone disturb you?" asked Mr.Seo. "Sweetie~ what happened? Can you tell me?" asked Mrs.Seo. Haneul just mind them and keep on crying on her pillow. *Daehyun you jerk! How could you lied to your own best friend?* thought Haneul. Her phone rang many times and she knows that it was a call from Daehyun. That night, Haneul keep on crying in her room till she fell asleep.


On the next day morning, Haneul's eyes are puffy from the cry last night. After Haneul took her shower, she took her phone and saw there are 27 missed call from Daehyun and 12 messages from him too. Most of the text says :

"Haneul, im sorry, I can explain everything...

Just pick up the phone, please?"

*liar... jerk...* thought Haneul and she cried again. *we're supposed to go out and play bowling today* thought Haneul. When she already calmed herself down, she went downstairs and saw her mom was doing the laundry. "Should I help you mom?" asked Haneul and took the laundry from her mom. "That's okay.... you told me yesterday that you're going out with Daehyun, right?" asked Mrs.Seo "neh... it's cancelled~" answered Haneul and gave her mom her dry smile. "I can help you today~" said Haneul. "Wait, sweetie is there anything happen last night? Why you cried?" asked Mrs.Seo. "There's nothing important mom.... im fine today~" said Haneul and went tp the backyard to hang up the laundry.

After she's done with the laundry, Haneul went to watch the television alone. Her phone that was on the coffee table rang many times. Haneul know that it was Daehyun and she decided not to pick it up. Mrs.Seo feels irritated by the ringtone asking Haneul to pick up the phone. "Sweetie, why don't you pick up the phone?" asked Mrs.Seo "it's an unknown number mom.... he's disturbing me~" lie Haneul "okay then...." Said Mrs.Seo and continues with her work. After so many calls, Haneul receive a text and it was from Daehyun.

"Haneul I know you're there....

Please, don't do this to me...

I need to talk to you.... pick up your phone...

I beg you...."

Haneul read the text but she's not replying him. "Mom... im going out for a walk for a while~" said Haneul "alright... be home early~" said Mrs.Seo. Then, Haneul went to the front door and went out to take a walk. While she was walking, her mind can't stop reminding that scene that she saw last night. She can't believe her best friend is a gangster and he never tells her anything about it. When she was walking, she saw a playground nearby and decided to have a seat there. Haneul sat on the swing while looking on the ground. While she was sitting on the ground, she remembered how nice Daehyun to her every time when he was with her. His smiles, the way he ruffled her hair, curled her hair and many more. She never thought that the innocent smiles that he gave are all a lie.

At the thought of it, she starts crying again because it really hurt her feelings. Meanwhile, Hanbin who was driving his car decided to pick up Haneul and bring her somewhere today. He was trying to surprise her by going to her house but then, as he drives past the playground she saw a girl was crying sitting on the swing. *is that Haneul? Why is she crying?* thought Hanbin. He decided to stop and went to her. He knows it was Haneul and there's no doubt by it. "Haneul, what's wrong?" asked Hanbin. He bends down his knees and look on her face.

"Did someone do something to you?" asked Hanbin and wiped her tears using his thumb. "Hanbin~" said Haneul and hugged him. "He lied to me..." sobbed Haneul "who?" asked Hanbin "Daehyun lied to me.... he didn't tell me that he's in a gang.... He's a jerk...." Cried Haneul in his embrace so she already knew that?* thought Hanbin. "Why did he lie to me..." said Haneul while sobbing. Hanbin tried to soothing her while caressing her hair. "Don't cry... im here.... you don't have to cry...." Said Hanbin "he's bad Hanbin..." said Haneul as she looked at Hanbin.

"Hey, you still have me~" said Hanbin try to light up the atmosphere. "Hey, let's go out so we can ease your mind, oh?" asked Hanbin suddenly and wiped away Haneul's tears on her face. "Where?" asked Haneul "I know somewhere~ and im sure you can forget about him for a while~" smiled Hanbin "let's go~" said Hanbin and brought her to his car. *I know it's hard for you to take but please, seeing you cry really hurts me* thought Hanbin. That day, Hanbin took Haneul to Everland and she really had fun there. Being next to Hanbin, made her forget everything about Daehyun.

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