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It's finally Monday which is the day Haneul had been waiting for. It's the day where she will be going to the same school with Daehyun. *finally* thought Haneul while fixing her tie bow in front of the mirror. After she satisfied about her looks, she took her school bag and went downstairs. "Good morning sweetie~" said Mrs.Seo "morning!" greeted Haneul cheerfully. "Someone's excited going to the new school~" teased Mr.Seo. "Of course dad~ I'll be going to the same school with Daehyun~" said Haneul and grabbed some toast. "Daehyun isn't here yet?" asked Mrs.Seo "oh, he will be coming a bit late today~ he texted me just now~" answered Haneul. While she was having her breakfast with her parents, her phone vibrated and it was a text from Daehyun saying he's already at in front of her house.

"Daehyun's here~ got to go~" said Haneul. After she bid her parents a goodbye, she went out and saw Daehyun was waiting in front of her house. "hi!" Greeted Haneul "morning~ should we go now?" asked Daehyun. Haneul nodded while smiling. While both of them were walking Haneul asked something to Daehyun. "Daehyun?" called Haneul. Daehyun tilted his head "yes?" said Daehyun "I was wondering..... You're rich... and you have your own car and motorcycle.... But why didn't you drive to school? Instead of that, you're walking with me~" said Haneul. "Well.... Walking is good! It's one of the exercise~ plus, I don't wanna drive my own car or motorbike... people will probably scratch it." said Daehyun playfully and that made Haneul laughed.

"Silly you~" said Haneul and pushed him to the side playfully. Daehyun pretended to be hurt. "Ouch. You pushed me to hard~" said Daehyun. Haneul giggled "no I didn't~" said Haneul. "Why did you asked me?" asked Daehyun suddenly. "Well.... I was just.... Curious~" said Haneul "I think it will be much easier than walking~" said Haneul. "Nah.... I only drive my car when we're going out~" said Daehyun. A few minutes later, finally both of them reached the school. "We're here~" said Daehyun. "yay!" cheered Haneul happily. "Let's go!" said Haneul and jumping while tugging on Daehyun's blazer.

Daehyun smirked and ruffled her hair "let's go to the office and get your timetable, okay?" said Daehyun and Haneul nodded. As soon as they entered the school, Daehyun was eyeing the students there scared if Hanbin and Team B were there early before them. *they're not here yet* thought Daehyun. Haneul noticed that his face looks dead serious. "Daehyun? Why you're giving the serious look? It looks like you're going to kill someone~" said Haneul. "S-sorry~ I was just looking for someone... you're scared?" asked Daehyun and Haneul nodded. *if you're that scared to look at my serious face, then how will you react when you see me fighting with people?* thought Daehyun ans they both walked to the office.

After they both went to the office, Haneul got her timetable and take a look on it. "awww we're not in the same class..." pouted Haneul. Daehyun took the timetable from her and look which class she's in. *dammit she's in the same class as Hanbin* thought Daehyun. "d-do you wanna change your class?" asked Daehyun. "I think im fine~ I should find new friends~ I can't rely on you when im here~" said Haneul and took back her timetable from Daehyun. "Come on~ show me where's my class~" said Haneul and walked in front of him. "arasseo~" said Daehyun and bring her to her class.

When they reached Haneul class, Daehyun take a peek in the class and Hanbin is still not in the school yet. *probably he ditch the school today* thought Daehyun. "What are you looking at?" asked Haneul "just checking~" answered Daehyun. "you're weird... ever since we came into the school... you seems like you were looking for someone~" said Haneul "well... no im not... here's your class where else mine will be at the end of the hallway... if you need me or anything, text me and I'll be there~ okay?" said Daehyun. Haneul nodded "arrasseo~ annyeong bestie~" waved Haneul to him before she enter her classroom.

After Haneul entered the class, she starts to look an empty table for her to sit. Then, she found a table at the back of the class next to a window. *I guess im sitting here~* thought Haneul and settled down. She noticed that there's an empty table next to her too. *is there someone sitting here?* thought Haneul. Then, she saw her classmates. They seem not interested on her by asking her something or what. But, some of them just glared at her and whispered to one and another. Haneul could hear it a bit "how dare she's sitting next to Hanbin" whispered one girl. *Hanbin? Who's he?* thought Haneul. Then, she just mined them and opens a book for her to read while waiting for her teacher to come.

A few minutes later, Hanbin came into the class, and noticed there's a girl sitting beside him. *new girl?* thought Hanbin. Haneul was so into the book till she did not notice that someone was sitting at the empty table just now. "Yah," called Hanbin. Haneul heard it and looked to her right side "m-me?" Haneul pointed to herself and asked innocently. But then, Hanbin was surprised. The new girl is the girl that he saw at the café last week. *it's her* thought Hanbin. "Y-yeah you.. You're new girl?" asked Hanbin. The whole class was listening to their conversation.

Haneul nodded slowly, scared by his vibe. *he seems scary* thought Haneul "then you have to know me. im Hanbin~ make sure you remember that, arrasseo?" said Hanbin. Haneul nodded "a-arasseo~" said Haneul and continue to read her book. A few seconds later, their class teacher entered and they greeted him together except for Hanbin. Haneul saw he was just sitting down playing with his phone without even bother to stand up greeting the teacher. *what's with this guy?* thought Haneul and scratched her head while taking her sit. *cute* thought Hanbin when he saw Haneul frowned while scratching her head. "Alright students, today we have a new friend in our class~ Haneul-shhi, could you introduce yourself?" asked Mrs. Choi.

Haneul stands up and introduce herself. "annyeong haseyo~ Seo Haneul imnida~ you can call me Haneul and please treat me very well~" said Haneul and bowed politely. After she introduced herself, she sit down on her chair. "Alright, that's Haneul and I want every one of you treat her very well~ arasseo?" said Mrs.Choi. "nae!" the students chirped. Then, Mrs Choi begins her class which is History. After Haneul introduced herself, Hanbin keep on taking glances at her. *so your name is Haneul~* thought Hanbin and smirked.

"Kringggg!!!" the school bell rang and it was recess time. After their teacher left the class, the students too went out from their class to get their lunch with their friends. When Haneul was about to go, suddenly an arm wrapped around her shoulder and she let out a gasp. "Oh my-"she tilted her head and saw Hanbin. "Surprised?" teased Hanbin and let out his soft chuckle. Haneul was very awkward standing next to him. Well, it was her first day here and, this guy is standing that close to her while slung his arms on her shoulder. "Do you know the way to the canteen?" asked Hanbin. Haneul shook her head "nope" said Haneul "it's my first day here~" said Haneul and giving him her wonderful smiles. Hanbin gulped seeing her smiles because it really melted his heart. *gosh this girl and her smiles* thought Hanbin.

"But I think you don't have to send me there because my-" Hanbin cut off her words by dragging her, holding her hands "I'll bring you~" said Hanbin. "O-okay then..." Haneul stuttered. After taking a few steps, finally they've reached the canteen. "This is the canteen~" said Hanbin "thanks! But you know, actually im waiting for my friend just now~" said Haneul "well, as for you to know, everyone here is dying to walk next to me~" said Hanbin. He was still holding her hand till someone grabbed Haneul's hand from him.

"Daehyun!" said Haneul feeling happy seeing him. But, Daehyun was giving Hanbin his death glare. "Don't you dare touch her" said Daehyun with his deep voice. "She's in the same class with me, why can't I go to the canteen with her, as a friend?" asked Hanbin while emphasizing the word raising his eyebrows. "Let's go Haneul~" Daehyun took her hand and took her to have her lunch together. Team B saw the scene and went near Hanbin "Yah, who's she?" asked Jinhwan "someone that I wanna be close to~" answered Hanbin. Team B nodded "anyways, im hungry~ let's grab our lunch~" said Yunhyeong and they all went to grab their lunch alone.

Meanwhile, when Haneul was having her lunch with Daehyun, they both didn't talk at all. "Daehyun? What's wrong?" asked Haneul "nothing it's just... don't be near to that Hanbin guy..." said Daehyun. "Oh, why? He's my classmate and im sitting next to him~" said Haneul "you what? Sitting next to him?" asked Daehyun sounds surprised. Haneul nodded "whatever it is don't be near him... he's... dangerous..." said Daehyun *dangerous? What does he mean?* thought Haneul. "Do you know him?" asked Haneul "no." answered Daehyun "then how come you know he's dangerous?" asked Haneul feeling weird by his words. "no more questions alright? Eat your lunch and please, don't be near him.. Okay?" said Daehyun. Haneul sighed "arasseo... you're weird today~" said Haneul and continue with her lunch.

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