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It was Saturday and there's no school for today. Haneul was hanging out in her house when suddenly, her mom asked her to buy some groceries at the supermarket in the town nearby her house. "Mom~" Whined Haneul "it's Saturday and I should get some rest~" said Haneul. Mrs.Seo heard her daughter whining and went near her. "Uh uh. You have to~ if not, you wouldn't be able to have dinner tonight because you didn't buy the groceries~" said Mrs.Seo. Haneul pouted and climbed upstairs to get change. She just wears simple attire which is denim shorts and plain white shirts. After she tied her hair into a bun, she ran downstairs to meet her mom. "Mom, where's the money?" asked Haneul.

"Here~ be careful on your way alright?" Mrs.Seo reminded her. "arasseo~" said Haneul and slip on her dark green converse shoes. "im going!" shouted Haneul before she goes out. When she was walking alone, she was thinking about asking Daehyun to tag along. She tried to call him many times but he still didn't pick up his phone. "goshhh where is he?!" muttered Haneul alone and tried to call him for the last time. "Pick up the phone Daehyun~ pick up~" said Haneul. But still, Daehyun isn't picking up. *is he that busy today? Did he went to his father's company?* thought Haneul.

Then suddenly, while Haneul was busy muttering alone, suddenly, she heard kicking and punching sounds at the back of the big garbage bin. *what's that?* thought Haneul. She decided to went near and take a peek slightly behind the garbage bin. Then, she saw a few bunch of guys was kicking and punching on one guy till he bleed a lot. *they're so mean!* thought Haneul while watching them. "Im sorry guys... im really sorry~" said the guy weakly. *should I call the police?* thought Haneul and reached out for her hand phone."yah~ sorry doesn't mean anything~" said the guy who wears a hoodie on his head. "Who's going to pay for that?!" shouted the guys again.

Haneul watched the scene *who wears a hoodie in the middle of summer?* thought Haneul. Then, Haneul saw his side profile and it was very familiar to her. "Daehyun?" said Haneul. Her voice was kinda loud till enough for them to hear. Yeah it is Daehyun but Haneul was not sure of that it's because she only saw his side profile and did not meant to be saying him name out loud. Daehyun heard someone was calling him. "Who's there?!" shouted Daehyun. "Shoot!" Haneul covered her mouth *bad timing. Im so dead! I should go now* thought Haneul. Then, she starts to run away from the scene. When Daehyun reached the garbage bin, he saw no one. *it couldn't be Haneul, right? She would never go out alone on a time like this* thought Daehyun.

Meanwhile, Haneul starts walking again to the supermarket reminding the scene and the guy she saw. *it's couldn't be Daehyun~* thought Haneul. "He's not that violent~ he's sweet, caring and gentleman!" said Haneul trying to be positive. After Haneul reached the supermarket, she took out the list and tries to find the groceries that her mom listed out. Little she did not know, Hanbin who was walking with Team B, notice that she enters the supermarket alone. "Guys, I'll be going to our place later~ I have things to do~" said Hanbin and walked away leaving Team B behind and followed Haneul quietly without she knew.

"Yah, don't you guys think that Hanbin been quite strange nowdays?" asked Jinhwan "me too~ he keep on saying 'I've got things to do'" said Yunhyeong. "Wait. Does this has to do with the girl at the school canteen that day?" said Junhwe suddenly and that surprised everyone a lot. "Wow~ I think it's true too~ maybe Hanbin hyung likes her!" said Donghyuk. "But I think, she's Daehyun's girl~ don't you guys see that grabbed her hands away from Hanbin that day?" asked Bobby. Everyeone nodded. "Whatever it is... I wish him the best of luck~" said Jinhwan. With that, they went to hang out together.

In the supermarket,

Hanbin was following Haneul quietly from behind. *why did she buy the groceries alone? Where's her mom?* thought Hanbin *she looked cute today~* thought Hanbin again. Haneul who was looking for some tomato paste felt that someone was looking at her from behind. When she turned around, there's no one. "Weird~" mumbled Haneul alone and went to the veggies section. *phew. That was close!* thought Hanbin who was hiding behind the rack and then, he followed her again to the veggies section. He saw that Haneul was choosing some fresh veggies and put it inside her basket. After Haneul done with it, she takes a look on the list again *hurmm next is.... Milk~* thought Haneul and went to the drinks section.

When she reached there, she noticed that the milk was been in high rack. Haneul try to reach her hand on the rack but couldn't. "urghhh why so high?" frustrates Haneul. While she was trying again to reach for the milk, a bigger and longer hand than her took the milk. *eh-* thought Haneul and turned to her right. "H-Hanbin?" said Haneul who sounds surprised. "Glad you remember my name~" said Hanbin "here~ you want this right?" asked Hanbin and gave Haneul the milk. Haneul nodded and take it from him. "T-thanks~" said Haneul. "I have to go now~" said Haneul. When she was about to turned around, Hanbin grabbed her wrist. "Let's go together~ I have to go too~" said Hanbin.

"a-alright~" said Haneul. Then, they both went to the counter so that Haneul could pay the groceries. After she paid, they both went out of the supermarket. "y-you're not buying anything?" asked Haneul. Hanbin shook his head. "Nope." Hanbin answered. Then, he saw Haneul was struggling carrying those bags and he took the bags from her. "Let me carry it for you~" said Hanbin. "i-I can carry it~ it's my groceries~ y-you didn't buy anything~" said Haneul. "tch. Im a guy~ it's not a gentleman when a girl next to him carrying heavy things while they guy just walk~" said Hanbin. "And, why did you stutter every time you talked to me? Am I that scary to you?" asked Hanbin.

"W-well... it's not because of that~ Daehyun just told me to not be near you... he said you're dangerous~" said Haneul *Daehyun* thought Hanbin. "What? He told you not to be near me?" asked Hanbin. Haneul nodded. "And he even told you im dangerous? Than what is he?!" frustrates Hanbin. "Well... Daehyun is different from you~ he's nice, sweet, when he wears a school uniform, he wears it neatly unlike you... you don't even done your necktie neatly~" said Haneul "and, he's smart! He doesn't involve in a gang or something... but... are you?" asked Haneul suddenly.

*so she didn't know that Daehyun in a gang too? Well... this is inetersting~* thought Hanbin. "as for me... im in a gang~ and a kingka in our school~ we are called Team B" said Hanbin. Haneul widened her eyes. "For real? So Daehyun was right! You are dangerous to be with!" said Haneul. She was kinda scared. "Yah. im not that scary and dangerous to be with~" said Hanbin. Then, he bent down to Haneul's height and studied her face. "w-what are you doing?" asked Haneul. Both of their face is so near. "Don't worry.... im nice to the person I like and love~" said Hanbin and straightened himself. *what?* thought Haneul. "Meet my baby~" said Hanbin showing Haneul his motorbike.

"Wow~ you ride that?" asked Haneul "what do you think I am? Come on... hope on~ I'll send you home~" said Hanbin. Haneul was shrugged "don't worry... I won't do anything to you~" said Hanbin. Then, Haneul hopped on behind him. "Have you ridden a bike before?" asked Hanbin while giving Haneul his own helmet. "errr y-yeah.. Once... with Daehyun... but I don't really like it~" said Haneul while putting on the helmet on her head.

"Aren't you wearing the helmet too?" asked Haneul. "Don't worry for me~ im fine~ now, hug me because we're going now~" said Hanbin. Without warning, Hanbin zoomed off his bike in speed before Haneul could hug him on the waist. Haneul yelped and hugged his waist. "Yah!" mad Haneul and Hanbin laughed "show me the direction to your house okay?" said Hanbin. "arasseo~" said Haneul.

With the direction that Haneul gave him, they're reached Haneul's house. Haneul hopped off from the bike and Hanbin take off the helmet for her. Haneul's heart skipped a beat seeing he did that for her. It was the same as how Daehyun treated her. "Thanks for the ride~" thanked Haneul. "No problem~ was the ride fun?" asked Hanbin and wears the helmet. "Scary~" answered Haneul. Hanbin chuckled. "You'll be fine next time~" said Hanbin and ruffled her hair. "Here~ your groceries~" said Hanbin giving Haneul the bags. "Thanks~" said Haneul. "See you at school, Haneul~" said Hanbin. Hanbin nodded "annyeong Hanbin~" waved Haneul and Hanbin zoomed off. With a sigh, Haneul entered her house. *well... he's not that bad after all* thought Haneul.

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