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At night, students were gathering around the campfire together for the next activity. Haneul was sitting between Hanbin and Daehyun while Violet was sitting not too far from them. She keeps on glancing at them because she really wishes to sit next to them too. "Alright, who's ready for the next activity?" shouted Mr.Cha "woahhh!" cheered the students. Of course they're happy, it's talent show. Students will be able to sing, rap, playing music instrument and many more as long as they're showing their talents. "Alright, who wants to show some talent first?" asked Mr.Cha. "me!" shouted one boy. "Okay then~ you may go to the front~" said Mr.Cha. The boy was playing some music through his phone and he started dancing skilfully. He really amazed all the students and teachers.

"Wow... he's great!" said Haneul while looking at the boy. Her eyes were glued on that boy dancing. Hanbin and Daehyun noticed it both of them felt jealous by it. *I can do much better than him* thought Hanbin and Daehyun at the same time. after the boy ended his dancing, the students cheered and gave him a big applause including Haneul "he is so cool, aren't he?" asked Haneul while looking at Daehyun and Hanbin.

But, both of them didn't hear what she was saying because they keep on thinking what to do for the talent show so that Haneul couldn't take her eyes form them. "Are you guys listening to me?" asked Haneul "what were you saying?" asked Daehyun "I was saying.... Isn't that guy cool? I love the wat he dance!" said Haneul "neh... his dance step is not that sharp~" said Hanbin "and, he also lack of skills~" Daehyun added. Haneul made a face "you guys are saying like you guys are better than him~" said Haneul "we are better than him but, dance is not what I really like~" said Hanbin "than what did you like?" asked Haneul "you'll see later~" said Daehyun.

*what are they trying to say?* thought Haneul and scratched her head thinking about it. Daehyun noticed it and chuckled seeing her. "Alright, who's next?" asked Mr.Cha. "Me." said Hanbin and stands up. "Hanbin? What are you going to show?" asked Haneul. "just watch me~" said Hanbin and winked. *huh?* thought Hanbin. "So Kim Hanbin... what are you going to show?" asked Mr.Cha "im gonna rap~" answered Hanbin "im gonna do my best till her eyes can't take off from me." said Hanbin and raised his eyebrows while looking at Haneul *was he talking to me?* thought Haneul while making a face. Hanbin noticed it "yeah you~" said Hanbin. *so he's doing this just to show that damn Haneul?* thought Violet in jealousy.

"Alright... you may start now~" said Mr.Cha. "You better watch me, ara?" said Hanbin. Haneul know that he was talking to her and she nodded. Hanbin smiled and he starts rapping. As soon as he started rapping, he really caught her eyes. "He's good~" said Haneul. She keeps on watching him till he finish with his rapping. That time, when Haneul was looking at Hanbin, she saw the new side of him. Other than being a gangster, rapping suits him too and, he looked so cool and handsome tonight. After Hanbin done with his rapping, Haneul was amazed by it. "wahhh you're jjang!" said Haneul and gave him two thumbs up. Hanbin grinned "was it better than that guy?" asked Hanbin "Much better!" said Haneul.

"Wow~ that was such a great skills of rapping Kim Hanbin-sshi~" complimented Mr.Cha *tch. He can only rap~* thought Daehyun. "alright, who's next?" asked Mr.Cha "me." said Daehyun suddenly. "w-what? Daehyun?" asked Haneul "just watch me bestie~ im sure you will be mesmerised by it~" said Daehyun. "Alright, what are you going to show us Jung Daehyun-shhi?" asked Mr.Cha "im gonna sing~" answered Daehyun. "he can sing?" surprised Haneul and said loudly enough for Daehyun to her. "yes bestie I can sing~" said Daehyun. *weird~ why do I feel like they're having a competition or something?* thought Haneul. *so he's showing his talent to Haneul too? What's wrong with them and that girl? What is she getting the attention from them?* thought Violet. She got so frustrated and went to her tent. She just doesn't wanna look at them because they really frustrate her.

"Alright Daehyun you may start singing~" said Mr.Cha and Daehyun starts singing. When Daehyun sang the first line, Haneul was mesmerised by his voice. It was very melodious and you can't even describe how good it is. "I never knew he could sing..." mumbled Haneul while looking at him giving him her wonderful smile. While Daehyun was singing, his eyes were looking straight on Haneul. *show off* thought Hanbin and rolled his eyes. Daehyun bowed after he's done singing. "You're awesome bestie!" said Haneul and hugged him. Hanbin watched in jealous while Daehyun grinned happily. "Really?" asked Daehyun. Haneul nodded "erm! I never knew you can sing~" said Haneul and pushed him lightly.

"Alright, is there anyone would like to show their talent too? We still have about 10 more minutes before we're off to sleep~" said Mr.Cha. The talent show continued with a few more students show their talents. Three of them including watched it till ended. "Well I never knew that TS High have so many talented students~" Mr.Cha impressed. "I think we should do some talent competition in our school~" suggested Mrs.Choi. "Alright students~ it's past 10 and you all need to go and have some sleep." Said Mr.Cha "as for tomorro's activity, in the morning we're gonna do a jungle trekking andr right after that we'll do a close up for this year camping trip~" explained Mrs.Choi "now go back to your tent and have a rest~ good night students~" said Mr.Cha.

Both Daehyun and Hanbin walked Haneul to her tent. "Are you sure you can sleep with Haneul?" asked Hanbin. Haneul nodded "im gonna be fine I think~ don't worry~" smiled Haneul "okay then... if she did something to you, shouted my name and I'll be here, okay?" said Daehyu. Haneul nodded "arasseo~" said Haneul "goodnight guys~" greeted Haneul and went inside her tent. Hanbin sighed while walking to his tent. "Yah, you need to sleep outside and give me the tent alone~" said Hanbin "yah, you're the one who need to sleep outside, not me." said Daehyun "whatever~ I don't care~" said Hanbin. when they've reached the tent, Hanbin went inside first followed by Daehyun. "Yah" yelled Hanbin."just shut up and sleep. Im tired to fight with you." Said Daehyun and gritted his teeth. He took his sleeping bag and off to sleep and so did Hanbin.

A few hours later, Haneul who was in the tent, can't sleep. *is it because of the weather or im not tired or something?* thought Haneul. She sat up and take a look on Violet. She was sleeping soundly. *I wanna have a walk for a while~* thought Haneul and went out from her tent. After she slips on her shoes, and she takes a walk. She was walking by a river and suddenly, she saw someone was lying on a grass under a tree near the river. Haneul almost yelped scared if it's a ghost but then, it turned out to be a familiar figure to her. She braves herself to went near him and it was Hanbin. "Hanbin?" called Haneul. Hanbin who was lying while looking at the star in the sky heard someone called him. he tilted his head and saw Haneul was approaching him.

"Haneul?" asked Hanbin and sat up. Actually after he argued with Daehyun before he's off to sleep, he can't sleep at all. And that's why he decided to take a walk too. "Can't sleep?" asked Haneul and take a sit next to him. "Yeah~ you too?" asked Hanbin and Haneul nodded "what are you doing ou here?" asked Haneul "I decided to take a walk because I can't sleep~" said Hanbin. "I guess we're the same then~" smiled Haneul "is Daehyun asleep?" asked Hanbin "he's in his deep sleep~ he don't even notice that I went out~" answered Hanbin and lie down again and looked at the dark sky. *weird... usually Daehyun can't sleep when he's didn't get used to the place~* thought Haneul.

"Haneul, during the talent show just now, am I better than Daehyun?" asked Hanbin suddenly. "I.... I can't choose between both of you~ you both are great! You guys really caught my eyes~" said Haneul "just choose one~ please..." plead Hanbin. Haneul chuckled "sorry~ you both are great. Im serious~" said Haneul. Hanbin blew a raspberry "fine if you're not gonna say it~ but I know, im better, right?" asked Hanbin. Haneul laughed lightly. "Silly you~" said Haneul and threw a pebble into the river.

"Yah Haneul, can you look at the big star up there?" asked Hanbin while pointing to the big star. Haneul looked up "yeah... why?" asked Haneul "it's beautiful like you~" said Hanbin while looking at her. Haneul blushed "n-no way ~ im not beautiful~" said Haneul "yes you are~ as for you to know I never compliment a girl before.... But tonight, you're the first girl I've complimented~" said Hanbin. "R-really? T-thanks then~" smiled Haneul. "Don't you wanna go to sleep?" asked Hanbin "why? You're going? I don't feel like sleeping now~ you can go if you want~" said Haneul. "neh... let me accompany you so that you won't get bored~" said Hanbin. "Oh my gosh! Spider!" shouted Hanbin.

Haneul squeled "where?!" shouted Haneul. Hanbin was laughing towards her. "Yah Kim Hanbin!!" mad Haneul "im sorry~ you looked so funny!!" laughed Hanbin. "im not talking to you~" said Haneul and crossed her arms. "Yah~ I was just joking~" said Hanbin. "mehrong~" Haneul sticks her tigue out and that made Hanbin chukled. Meanwhile, Daehyun was there since Haneul came. He watched both of them in quiet. He felt really jealous when he saw Haneul was laughing, talking, and making jokes with him. *i don't know how you feel when you know the truth of me, Haneul... im sure your heart gonna be break into thousands of pieces~* thought Daehyun sadly while watching them.

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