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A few weeks later, Haneul was having her lunch with Daehyun at the back of the school. Both of them were sitting under a shady tree together. "huwahh today's weather is so nice!" said Haneul and stretched her arms widely breathing the fresh air. Daehyun chuckled "so you're saying the weather for these past few days is not so nice?" asked Daehyun and raised his eyebrows. "Are you mocking me?" asked Haneul and made a face to him. "No~ I was just asking~" said Daehyun and laughed lightly. "Of course it's nice~ but today's weather is better~" stated Haneul and let out hr wonderful smiles.

"Yah, should we ditch class today?" asked Daehyun suddenly. "woahhh are you seriously Jung Daehyun that I know?" asked Haneul and looked at him weirdly. "waeyo?" asked Daehyun. "Because you just asked me to ditch class~ The Jung Daehyun that I know never skips classes before~ are you sick?!" asked Haneul and placed her palm on his forehead. "Nope. Im not~" said Daehyun and took off her arms. "I was just joking~ im an honour student, why wouldn't I wanna ditch classes?" said Daehyun "exactly." Said Haneul. While both of them were having the fun conversation, someone interrupt them and it was Violet.

"oppa annyeong!" greeted Violet annoyingly. Daehyun rolled his eyes "what do you want?" asked Daehyun coldly. "Can I join your recess with her?" asked Violet suddenly. "What? No way~ I won't let you have you recess with us." Said Daehyun. "Come on Haneul... let's go~" said Daehyun. He took her arms and walked away leaving Violet behind. *haishh that guy!* thought Violet. Haneul and Daehyun were walking along the hallway together. A few minutes later recess will be over and they decided to go to class early. "Hey, it's not nice to do that you know~" said Haneul "it's good to do that to someone who hurt you before~" said Daehyun. "Yah... she's still a human too~ she has feelings~ I know she hurt me before but I don't like hurting someone's feelings~" said Haneul.

"haishh you don't have to be too nice~" said Daehyun and ruffled her hair. "Anyways, wanna go out this weekend? Let's go play bowling~ how about that?"Asked Daehyun "hurmm that would be good too~" said Haneul "okay then... I'll text you the time later~" winked Daehyun and that made Haneul giggled. Then, he sends Haneul to her class and they both were studying for their lessons till school ended.


At night, Daehyun didn't go and hang out with B.A.P today. He was exhausted after doing some paperwork for his dad today. He's been at his father office for the whole time, right after school ended. Luckily she could send Haneul's home. Even though Hanbin offered to give her a ride, but he insist on letting Haneul go home with him. After Daehyun took his shower, he was sitting on the edge of his bed and took his phone *I should text Haneul what time are we going for a bowling this weekend~* thought Daehyun. When he was about to press the keypad on his phone, someone knocked his door.

"Yeah?" said Daehyun and opened the door. It was one of the maids in his house "young sir, your father and mother is waiting for you downstairs... they need to talk to you for a while~" said the maid "now?" asked Daehyun "yes young sir~" answered the maid. Daehyun sigh "alright I'll be downstairs in 2 minutes~" said Daehyun and closed the door. *guess I'll text her later~* thought Daehyun. Then, he dried his hair by the towel and he went downstairs.

When he reached downstairs, he found his parents were sitting in the living room on a sofa together while talking to each other. "What wrong mom, dad?" asked Daehyun and take a seat on the sofa too. A few seconds later, a maid came and brought him some juice for him to drink while have a talk with his parents. "Oh, there you are son~ did you go to the office today?"Asked Mr.Jung and Daehyun nodded "I've already finished up the paperwork today~" said Daehyun and drink his juice.

"Very good~ so... how's school nowadays? Is Haneul still in your school? And are you two still hanging out together?" asked Mr.Jung. Daehyun felt weird by his father question. Means, why did he ask those kind of question? Obviously he knows everything because he had breakfast together with him every morning before Daehyun went to Haneul's house. "School is fine..... Haneul is still in my school.... And yes we're still hanging out together~" Daehyun answered every question that his father asked him. "Okay.... this is getting weirder.... What's with the question? Mom, what's wrong?" asked Daehyun.

"Honey, there's an important thing that we need to tell you..." said Mrs.Jung "what is it?" asked Daehyun looking at both of his parents. "By next week Monday, all of us will be staying in Australia... I decided to make my main company branch there~" answered Mr.Jung "WHAT?! AUSTRALIA?! NEXT WEEK?!" shouted Daehyun in surprised till he stands up looking at his parents with wide eyes. "Daehyun, calm down... there are no excuses.... You have to come with us no matter what happen... this mansion, will be a place for us to stay once in a while when we're here to look for our company branch here... get it?" said Mr.Jung,

"b-but dad, im not going! Im staying here! Haneul and my friends are here~ I don't wanna go there~" said Daehyun "I told you just now Daehyun, there are no excuses and you have to come with us.... Mr.Oh will settle up your withdrawal tomorrow..... Don't forget to pack all your clothes by tomorrow, got it?" said Mr.Jung "but... mom.... why?" asked Daehyun. "Im sorry honey~ it was your dad decision and we have to follow him...." said Mrs.Jung. "im going out~" said Daehyun and took his motorbike key. "Honey, be home early~" said Mrs.Jung but Daehyun already went out from his house.

Meanwhile, Haneul was watching the television in the living room. Suddenly, she felt like having some ramen while watching a movie. Come on, tomorrow is Saturday and she can sleep late tonight. Haneul was searching for some ramen in the kitchen but there was none. Then, he went to the dining room where her parents were having some dessert together. "mom, where's ramen?" asked Haneul "oh, we ran out of ramen honey~ we didn't go out to buy some groceries yet~" said Mrs.Seo "you can buy at 7 Eleven in the town for while if you want... it's not that far~" said Mr.Seo *it's kinda night already and Daehyun and Hanbin told me not to go out late night.... But I really wanna eat some ramen though* thought Haneul. "im going.... And I need some money~" said Haneul. Then, her father gave her some money and Haneul went out to buy some ramen.

"Be careful sweetheart~" said Mr.Jung "alright dad~" said Haneul and she went out. While walking to the town alone, Haneul checked her phone. She was waiting for Daehyun to text her what time will they be going to bowling tomorrow. *is he busy?* thought Haneul. A few minutes later, Haneul reached 7 Eleven safely. She was walking along the aisle looking for which ramen for her to buy. "I'll just take this one~" said Haneul and took it. then, she pays for it. "thank you~" said Haneul and went out from the shop.

Meanwhile, Daehyun who just went out from his house after being so frustrated with his parents, hanging out with B.A.P in the town. "So.... Are you going?" asked Yongguk "hyung, what about us?" asked Zelo "I don't know... I don't have any choices but to follow him~" answered Daehyun. "Then what about Haneul?" asked Himchan "haishhh this is so frustrating... I have so many things to tell her~" said Daehyun "then don't follow your dad if you don't want~" said Youngjae "dude, you know how my dad is.... If he said so, I have to do on what he says.... Even he's strict in everything he do~" said Daehyun.

While they were talking, suddenly a guy just bumped into Daehyun and spilled some ice coffee on his blazer. Daehyun was furious. "i-im sorry~ im really sorry~" said the guy and bowed him before he goes. Daehyun rolled his eyes and grabbed the man by his collar. "Yah, do you know how expensive my blazer is?" asked Daehyun. He was so mad just now and seeing this guy made him wanna let out his frustration on that guy. "I've already said sorry to you~" said the guy. "Sorry isn't enough. You have to pay for It." said Daehyun coldly and tightened his grip on the collar.

"i-I can pay for it. How much?" asked the guy who's really scared right now. "Yah, just let go of him~" said Yonggul trying to calm Daehyun down. "hyung, we're in public~" said Jongup. "Do you even know who I am? Yah, im Jung Daehyun the gangster that everyone's afraid of~ and for your information, I don't take money as a pay~" said Daehyun. Suddenly, he punched the guy in the face hardly toll that guy lips bleed a lot. "That's how you're supposed to pay~" said Daehyun and kicked that guy. "Yah, enough~" said Yongguk.

While Daehyun was busy punching and kicking the guy, someone a very familiar voice to him, called his name. "Daehyun?" Daehyun stopped punching that guys and turned to his side. He was very surprised seeing Haneul, standing not too far from him while holding a plastic bag. "Daehyun, is that you?" asked Haneul and went near him. *shit. This is bad.... This is really bad* thought Daehyun

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