Chapter 26: Growing Up is Such a Blast

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"Why would we come to a museum if we weren't going to steal anything from it?" One of them growled. "Because Master Garmadon has another plan to destroy the ninja." Another replied.

"Master Garmadon?" We heard Skales scoff. "He's no master of mine. Since his so called 'Mega Weapon' has failed every time I don't see why we don't call our own shots!"


We all jumped a bit. It was creepy how he could just appear out of nowhere like that.

"Behold." Garmadon was saying, "Dromaesaurid Theropod Grundalicus. Otherwise known as the Grundle. Though now extinct, in it's time it was the most feared creature in all Ninjago. With claws that could slice through steel and heightened senses that could track the stealthiest of ninja. Once it had picked up your sent there was no hiding from it."

I remember learning about those things in school. It had given me nightmares for weeks. I still shudder at the thought of it. Skales's voice brought me back to reality.

"Thanks for the history lesson. But what are we suppose to do with a pile of bones?"

"I will make it so the beast will walk again!" Garmadon declared. "Yeah right. Show us then!" Skales dared as if it was a game.

"Rise Grundle and feel the strength of the Mega Weapon." He commanded. "I wish to possess the power to make you young. Turn back the clock so that you are no longer extinct. And hungry. Hungry for the ninja." He yelled.

"He's bringing it back?" Jay whispered frantically. "Not if we have any say in the matter." Zane said as we jumped on the railing.

"The Ninja! Get them!" Garmadon ordered.

We dodged the spears and rocks the snakes threw at us. Man, they had the worst aim.

"We can't let him finish! Go!" Cole yelled as he jumped on the skeleton. We followed close behind but it was hard to keep our balance.

"Not a solid plan Cole." Zane pointed out as the snakes tried to sweep our feet.

We finally fell to the ground, on top of one another. I look around and did a head count but didn't see Kai.

I looked back at the Grundle skeleton just in time to see Kai throw his sword. It collided with the Mega Weapon, knocking it out of Garmadon's hand.

"Not again!" He yelled then called for the snakes to retreat.

"Well I think we handled that well." Jay said proudly. We turned to leave and saw the snake generals picking up one of the exhibits.

"Hey! They're trying to steal the golden sarcophagus!" Jay yell as they slithered out the door. "After them!" Kai ordered.

We chased them down the street and around the corner only to see them abandon the artifact and disappear down a man hole.

We peeked around the corner to make sure the coast was clear.

"I can't believe we couldn't catch up with them. I'm usually faster that. It's as if my legs were half the size." Jay thought out loud.

"I don't remember that thing being so big. Did it grow?" Kai asked. "Or did we shrink?" Zane suggested. "Uh, guys?" Jay said pointing to a store window.

I looked at my reflection and realized, "WE SHRUNK!!!!!!!" "We're kids!" Kai yelled as we all started panicking and screaming. That is until we heard Crystal laughing.

"Awww. Look at you guys. You're all cute and small and helpless like." She said poking Kai with every word.

I was about to tell her to cut it out when I noticed that she was even smaller then we were. "Crystal. Look." I said turning her towards the mirror.

The Ninja of TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang