Start from the beginning

We had almost reached our destination and the shock had worn off. Luckily for me, I had love for law and crime. I had read countless law books and watched dozens of crime tv shows. I knew the most we'd be looking at was thirty years in a maximum security prison without chance for parole. That wouldn't have bothered me, that is, if I hadn;t met Cody. That meant thirty years away from him.

"Hey." He whispered in my ear as we reached the police station. "I need to ask you something."

"C'mon, let's go you scumbags." the police officer barked.

"What is it?" I asked, looking up at him as they hauled him out of the car.

"Keep walking." They prodded him forward.

"Will you marry me?"


Maxx Danziger:

"Hello lovely dearheart." I cooed, staring through my binoculars. There was my lover, my Senpai, my one and only, getting ready to go to sleep. He was the sweetest, cutest, perfectest boy in the entire world and he was all MINE!

He silently slipped his shirt off and my heart did three billion backflips. His perfectly chiseled chest almost made me pass out. I let out a sigh and continued to stare through my wonderful binoculars. He turned out the light and I gave a huff of disapproval. Maybe he knew I was in the tree right next to his bedroom window? Nah, that would be impossible!

I grabbed the walkie talkie out of my pocket and turned it on. I could hear him shuffling through his room before finally settling down. I gave another disheartened sigh. It would be so cute if my man snored a tiny bit, so I could make sure he was sleeping and not dead.

After about an hour of doing this, my leg fell asleep. Softly groaning, I tried to wake it up by shaking it. When that didn't work, I tried to adjust my position. While I was doing that, I accidently sat on my flashlight, turning it on. I froze and whipped my head around to look in the window. What I saw shocked me.

There, with similar binoculars, was the man of my dreams. He was stalking me too! What nerve! I glared at him and flipped him off. He lowered his binoculars and gave me a confused look.

"YOU IDIOT!" I yelled, forgetting to be silent. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

He threw open his window and screamed. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"


"YEAH? WELL SO AM I!" He howeled back.

"NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE STALKING ME YOU CREEP!" I started to back up, forgetting I was sitting on a tree branch. I shrieked as I fell to the ground with a thud.

I heard the window slam as I rubbed my sore back. Nothing was broken, just hurt badly. The kitchen light came on and the back door was opened. There he was, illuminated like he was some God. My heart started to pitter-patter faster than normal, but I backed away despite my agony.

"You're hurt." He growled.

"GO AWAY!" I hollered. "YOU'RE CRAZY!"
And that's when the sirens made their entrance. Before I knew it, a cop had yanked me off my feet and was slamming me against a cop car. "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR DISTURBING THE PEACE AND STALKING!" He squawked in my ear.

"What about him?" I jerked my head towards my lovely. "He was stalking me too."

The cop looked at his comrade and they both shrugged. His partner grabbed my sweetheart and cuffed him as well, saying he was under arrest for stalking as well. We were both shoved into the same cop car and we were taken downtown.

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