I opened the box and I jumped back startled. Inside was the head of Medusa. ‘How the heck did that get there?’ I thought. I was positive I had picked it up and thrown it in the nearby dumpster. I noticed her eyes were closed and there was a note sitting next to her. It read:


                             I’ve sent you this for protection. If you open the eyes they still work. Keep safe.


          I took the note and stuffed it in my bag. I grabbed my worse jacket from my closet, and set it on my bed. I took Medusa’s head and set it on my jacket wrapping it up carefully. When I was done wrapping it, I placed it in my bag.

I walked back over to the box to see if there was anything else inside, It was empty besides a piece of paper that said ‘DELIVERS TO MORTAL WORLD, OLYMPUS, AND THE UNDERWORLD. TARTARUS NOT INCLUDED!

I zipped up my pack and left my room. I then, headed towards Walt’s room. When I reached his door, I knocked loudly and waited for him to answer. The door opened and Walt appeared in the opening. He had a pack strapped to his back and looked like he was prepared to go on a camping trip.

“Let’s go before it gets dark. Who knows how long this friend could talk.” He said walking past me, and into the hallway.

 I stood there stunned. “How did you know about…?”

“Amos sent me a message.” He replied.

“Oh.” I said feeling stupid. Of course Uncle Amos would know I would want Walt to come with me. I turned and started following him down the hall.

It was strange how Walt was hosting Anubis, my other crush, the Egyptian god of grave yards. Yay! I slipped into the Duat and looked at Walt, but what I saw was the shining image of Anubis instead. I slipped back into the mortal world, and saw the normal Walt again.

“So,” Walt said walking backwards so he could talk to me. “Any idea who this friend is?”

“Yes, actually. I think, no… I know it’s my schoolmate Lacy.” I said smiling at him.

Walt stopped in front of the stairs. “Any idea on where to find her?” he asked.

I hadn’t thought of that. What kind of a mate was I? Aren’t mates supposed to know where each other lived? Now that I thought of it, I really didn’t know much about Lacy. Her favorite food is ___________. She loves to eat at _________________. Lacy lives in _______________. For all I know, she could only live at that camp.

“I’m going to guess you have no idea.” Walt said running his hand through his hair. “Do you know her phone number?”

“She doesn’t have a cellphone. Lacy said her parents wouldn’t let her have one.” I said, my smile gone.

I started to walk down the stairs and continued to think about where I could find Lacy. I raked my brain for anything Lacy could have said hinting to where the camp was, but came up empty handed. I had no clue where to look.

“Hey.” Walt said following me. “We could start in Manhattan. Strange things are always occurring there.” I reached the door of the mansion and opened it. I walked outside looking up at the starry night sky.

“Okay, we can start there. But we don’t have much time.” I said walking down the stairs that lead off of the warehouse our mansion was built on top of.

The Fight Against Night (Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicles)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora