I nod, signaling her to continue.

"Y-You don't have to answer if you don't really wanna but I'm just curioius.." (Y/N) begins, fiddling with her thumbs.

Where could this be going?

I nod once more and my sunshine sighs.

"Why don't you...sing more often?" She questions, her brows furrowed a little.

I blink and stand up straight.

"What makes you ask?" I wonder.

"Well, last night when we were singing Elton John I just realized...I had never heard you sing before that moment. You're good, Josh." She grins, her cheeks a bit red.

I grin back and place a kiss on her forehead.

"I don't know." I shrug. "It's just not my thing."

"Oh, okay. I understand. Still, you should do it more often. I like to hear your voice." She chuckles awkwardly.

"I'm glad you enjoy it." I giggle back in response.

-Your P.O.V-

"Suuuunshine!" Josh starts to call my nickname out in the hallway as he enters his bedroom I was currently sat down in, browsing social media.

"Whaaaat?" I mimic him in response.

"Get dressed!" He pats my knee as he plops down on the bed.

"For what?"

"We're going on a date." He shrugs, smiling.

Aw, what the hell!? He's so adorable.

"Uh, alright!" I clap my hands together and stand up.

A little while later, we find a nice restaurant to eat at.

I'm sitting at a small table with Josh placed directly in front of me.

Josh and I eat and talk and laugh for a bit before he brings something up.

"Hey, so I've been meaning to talk to you about something." Josh sits up, adjusting his position.

"Talk to me." I smile.

"So, when Victoria was talking to me about our whole "future" Josh makes quotations with his fingers as he says that word. "It made me realize...we really don't have anything planned out, do we?" He raises his eyebrows.

we really don't have anything planned out, do we?" He raises his eyebrows

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I think for a while before speaking up.

"No, I guess not? But do we really need to plan anything out? I think we're doing pretty good right now with our relationship." I respond, confident in the both of us.

"Fine by me if we don't. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with our relationship first." He replies, nonchalant.

"Aw." I lean in and peck him on the lips romantically. "Thanks Joshua."

He smiles and shrugs.

"No problem."

I look around, capturing the environment of the food place we were sat down in. It was pretty fancy. I look over to the glass doors and see a familiar figure step out of them.

Uh. Was that Victoria?

"I think I just saw my sister." I say to Josh, still staring at the doors the figure stepped out of.

"Really? Where?" Josh asks, curious.

"Just leaving." I answer.

"You should go investigate. Say hi if it was her." He suggests, taking a bite of his order.

"Ya think?" I tilt my head at the boy.

"Sure. I'll wait here."

"Alright. Be right back!" I place a small peck on the top of my boyfriend's head before walking outside.

I look to my left and see no one who resembles Victoria.


I look to my right.

Still don't see anyone.

Hm. Looks like-


Wait. Is that...?

Oh my god.

No way.

I take a deep breath, taken aback at what I just saw before pacing back inside and quickly heading over to Josh.

"So, was it her?" He questions, clueless.

"Oh it wasn't just her!" I breathe out.

Josh furrows his brows and squints his eyes, confused.

"It was her and Karma outside. Their lips were touching."

Josh tilts his head at me, still confused.

"They were kissing."



ANYWAYYYY hope you enjoyed this chapter ;-)

more to come! stay rad palz <3


DISTANCE (Josh Dun x Reader) (SEQUEL) ✧ idkbrooklynHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin