It Still Hurts

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Two weeks after Jimin's tournament Jimin trained Yoongi with everything he had. Thanks to the younger's efforts Yoongi went from a mile time of sixteen minutes to ten in half minutes. To celebrate, on Monday, Jimin decided to go to Yoongi's after school to surprise him. 

Jungkook and Taehyung insisted on coming along to make sure things stayed PG-13. 

The younger honestly didn't know what to expect. But when he opened the door to Yoongi's mansion he was beyond astonished. 


Jimin slowly staggered over to his crush his arms reaching out as his two accompaniments closed the door. 

"Get out!!" Yoongi cried as he leaned on a large white door. His shaking red fists pounding on it weekly. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, JIMIN! HE'S NOT COMING OUT!" Yoongi screeched with snot dripping from his nose. 

All the younger could do was hold the older. He was so worried about Yoongi he wasn't even blushing. They slid down to the ground in each other's arms. 

The blonde male's head rubbed against the brunette as he held the younger in a tight embrace hoping to suck up all of love and care Jimin was trying to give him. His large and veiny thick hands clenched Jimin's small back tightly as his head burrowed deeper into the younger's shoulder.

"H-hyung talk to me when you're ready. For now, just....let it out," 

Once Jimin said that Yoongi let loose. Yoongi's tears from earlier were small slow droplets, but now they're a large and swift stream flowing out of his dark shiny eyes. He let out a heart wrenching cry as his eyes began to blur and he let the sadness he'd been carrying for years flow out of him in the form of salty water. 

His voice cracked through his wails. He hiccuped violently and every time his tears would let up he thought of even sadder things to keep himself going. He could start to feel his eyelids becoming numb from blinking so many times as he encouraged the tears to flow.  

Eventually, he couldn't cry anymore. He'd cried himself dry, so he let out a final yelp and took a deep stuttering breath and let go of Jimin. 

"Who would've known little Jiminie would b-be the dominant one," Yoongi chuckled as Jimin's face tinted pink.  

The younger lightly pushed the blondie off of him while muttering a playfully complacent hyung under his breath. Yoongi laughed now wiping his face with the back of his red knuckles. 

"You know how I told you my mom died mysteriously?" Jimin nodded as Yoongi's eyes locked with his. The older's shoulders were slouched down and his tone of voice was loose but not care free. 

"Well, my father's alive and actually lives in the room that's behind this door. He hasn't come out. He has the maids leave food outside of the door and when he's sure no one is watching," Yoongi scooted sideways, away from the door so he could motion towards a small rectangular door. It looked like it was only wide enough for a tray to fit through and high enough for a liter of coke. 

"He unlocks this mini door and eats sometimes. But most times I'm sure he's working on his paintings. He still paints and all but he never leaves the room. I miss him. Having dinner and just...talking. My mom was his everything and when she died. He lost everything." Yoongi sighed and stood up. 

"But I guess today was just a day where I wanted to talk to him the most. When I wanted to tell him about my mile time but," Yoongi's breath stuttered and he rubbed his forearm against his eyes hastily. "I guess he won't even come out if I tell him I've accomplished something. I can only hope that when I practice the piano maybe he's at least heard my accomplishments over the years even if he won't let me see his face."

"Well, I-I actually came to c-congratulate you on your mile time and let you know we can go to this indoor soccer complex to train since you brought your mile time down. Even if your dad won't congratulate you I will b-because...I care...a lot about you."

"What were you expecting we do all by ourselves Jimin?" Yoongi asked playfully as he held his hand out for Jimin to take. 

As soon as Jimin took Yoongi's hand he was pulled into Yoongi's chest. The older lifted Jimin's chin up so the younger could only look at him. The brunette's face turned red as he his eyes darted from Yoongi's eyes to his lips. He bit his lip as the little distance between them magically faded. 

"You two are not alone!" Jungkook shouted while bursting through the front door. Taehyung right behind him making a fake gun with his hands acting as if he were a police officer.

"W-where did you guys go?!" Jimin squealed as Yoongi pressed the younger into his chest while watching the two who suddenly burst in. 

"After we saw Yoongi having a moment we closed the door and went back outside. We waited for you guys to finish up but we're not gonna let things get outta hand here. We're keeping it PG," Jungkook dead panned while slamming the door shut. 

"I thought you said PG-13," Jimin muttered while hugging Yoongi. 

Yoongi smiled and welcomed Jungkook and Taehyung into the house. 


Well I know I said I'll update soon but Netflix is a powerful drug. Hehe. I've been working on this chapter for a while now. And I hope it's good enough for you guys. Thank for reading :)

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