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Yoongi breathed heavily as the sound of Jimin stopping his watch rang in his ears. 

"Yoongi do you know how long it took you to run a mile on even ground?" Jimin asked worriedly. Yoongi kept his hands on his knees and smacked his tongue around in his mouth in order to find some saliva to dampen it up. 

"...How...long?" he said in between loud heavy breaths. 

"Sixteen minutes and thirty seconds," Jimin sighed realizing they don't have time to fool around. "I'm pretty sure I run two miles at that speed with mountainous courses and I'm such an average runner. I'm average everything," Jimin sighed. 

Yoongi tried to steady his breaths so his vision could clear up. He tilted his numb neck towards Jimin who suddenly seemed a bit disappointed with himself. The older decided he was going to reassure Jimin. He didn't like seeing the younger have doubts about himself. He didn't know why Jimin started sulking after talking about the word average. The blondie actually found the brunette perfect. So cute and perfect he just wanted to jump on him. 

The exhausted blonde stopped resting on his pale knees and stood on his own two feet. He staggered slowly and shakily towards the oblivious brunette who was deep in his thoughts. Once the older was close enough he fell. He let his body fall into Jimin's almost muscular frame hoping the sudden fall wouldn't hurt him. 

"W-w- Hyung are you ok?! Yoongi hyung?!" Jimin wanted to slap him or shake him but then he realized that would hurt Yoongi so he only squeezed Yoongi's skinny pale arms lightly. Inadvertently, he began analyzing them. 

We'll have to do something about these arms or maybe not. He's perfect. The ideal shape.

Yoongi put his hands on Jimin's chest and pushed off of him so he could look at Jimin properly. 

"Park Jimin," Yoongi said playfully as his arms wobbled.

"Yoongi!" Jimin cheered. He relaxed as he realized Yoongi was ok or so he thought when he felt the older's arms shaking. Jimin moved his hands to Yoongi's and let them rest there causing his cheeks to tint, but he tried to play it cool.

Yoongi smirked. 

"Don't Yoongi me. You were feeling my arms up weren't you?" Yoongi chuckled as he watched the chain reaction. The younger's tinted chubby cheeks became fully flushed. Then his head became a beautiful tomato. Yoongi couldn't help but watch with a genuine smile as the hands that rested on his turned from natural warmth to feverish heat. 

"Oh Jiminie," Jimin flinched at the nickname causing Yoongi's smile to turn into a full on grin. "you're perfect to me. You're more than average to me. To me, you're a shooting star. Bright and far away but someone I look forward to seeing, someone I wish for."

"W-wish for," the tomato colored boy whispered.  

"Your body is perfect to me. You're perfect to me so don't worry about changing yourself.

Yoongi sighed and smiled lazily. Yoongi cupped Jimin's fiery soft chubby cheeks in his veiny pale hands and pecked Jimin's forehead. His lips barely touched Jimin because he felt like Jimin was so fragile. He wasn't sure what was ok for the younger. Yoongi got off of Jimin and stood up. He offered Jimin his hand which the younger took gratefully. 

"You should go home and shower. I'll meet you back here and I'll watch your game. You know, I've never seen you play. I feel like a jerk since you always come to my games," Yoongi said while smiling tenderly at the younger. 

"You've noticed me?" Jimin asked shakily a little worried he came off as a creep. 

"How could I not. The first game I played was as soon as my parents left to Paris you were there and I was so happy to see you. I always hoped you'd keep coming and just as I wished you were there. Even when it was 20º," Yoongi laughed softly. "What position do you play?" 

"I-i-it's a secret." Jimin stuttered and to Yoongi's surprise winked. 

With that Jimin ran away. Once he turned the corner out of the park gates he stopped and screamed into his hands. Min Yoongi kissed his forehead, told him he was perfect, and that he wished for him! 

Even though everything that happened was a dream come true if Jimin really cared about Yoongi he was going to get him into the minimum requirement. In order to get him there, he can't keep ending practice early or let Yoongi distract him from the mission. 

Jimin nodded aggressively to himself which earned him some concerned stares from other pedestrians but he ignored them. Before he knew it he had arrived home. He was about to reach for the door handle but the door was already opening. 

Meanwhile, back at the park, Yoongi watched the soccer moms and coaches arrive one by one. He stared at them blankly as he thought of Jimin. He knew Jimin liked him and he's also known he's loved Jimin, but for some reason he wants Jimin to tell him. 

He's learned that the world is mysterious and words are powerful. Powerful and destructive. 


I don't love this chapter but I hope you guys do. Things will speed up...lol no they won't....but it'll get spicier as time goes by. Thank you for reading :)) ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT BTS's COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO FREAKIN' GOOD I WANTED TO CRY. ALSO, TODOROKI SHOTO IS MY HUSBAND. 

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