Colliding Worlds

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Jimin stood on the field where the second day of his soccer tournament would be held. He hummed Wild Thoughts and before he long he started singing. He couldn't resist. 

"Wi-wi-wild wi-wi-wild. Wi-wi-wild thoughts. Wi-wi-wild -"

"When I'm with you all I get is wild thoughts," Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear while holding him by his waist. Jimin felt the heat rise through his whole body. He felt his armpits dampen and he felt dizzy from the crazy amount of blood rushing to his head.

This is definitely a back hug?! Do I hold his arms?! Jimin was making faces as Yoongi swayed him from behind while making the sound of the guitar.

"Let's talk since we're both thirty minutes early," Yoongi smiled while releasing Jimin and laying back on the grass watching the dark early morning sky. Jimin got his breathing together and laid two feet away from Yoongi. 

He put his hand to his heart. He liked life. He enjoyed his beating heart and how it beat around Yoongi. Even though his best friend and brother were weird he enjoyed being with them. He liked how they tried to make him feel included, but he didn't approve of their methods. 

"So you and Jungkook must be extremely close," Yoongi said while watching the sky. 

"W-why would you say that?!" Jimin froze and felt his heart stop altogether. He grew pale and nervously looked around the now ominous atmosphere. 

"I know I shouldn't pry but I listened in on your...conversation with Jungkook after you rushed into your house. Honestly, I was so curious. Taehyung was wearing a leash and everything. Then I found out he wasn't wearing anything but a leash and a cock blocker," Yoongi chuckled not bitterly or anything but out of genuine amusement. 

Jimin turned to Yoongi stunned at his last sentence. He knew he had heard everything but Yoongi still smiled at the sky. 

"I never thought you could yell like that. Personally, I thought you were a shy kid. You mumble and stutter a lot. It's cute though. But I was like shit Jimin yelled and on top of that he said, no excuse me, yelled he had a sadist brother. I heard a bang and kissing sounds. On top of that Jungkook tongue kissed you. I think. It was a lot to take in."

"There's nothing going on between me and Jungkook or Taehyung. I promise he just has brother complex and a crazy sadist side,"

Yoongi finally turned towards Jimin who was clutching his hand tightly. Jimin followed Yoongi's gaze and let go of him instantly. 

"S-sorry," he mumbled. "got caught in the moment. It's seriously complicated. Trust me though I'm single and Jungkook is dating Taehyung."

Yoongi smiled softly but his eyes drooped a little. Jimin wondered, Is...he still sad..?

"I'm in love with someone." Jimin blurted without stuttering or blushing. He mentally high fived himself. 

"I am too," Yoongi said looking into Jimin's eyes that were wandering. He sighed exasperatedly. "But I actually remember you. I remember you from a long time ago. When I found that perfect patch of grass not too far away from your house. It was apparently your hideout. Remember?" Yoongi asked eyes looking hopeful. 

Jimin slapped himself. He had to. Was this a dream?! Yoongi remembers me!?!?

"Jimin..." Yoongi hesitantly called out Jimin who was in another world.

"Y-yes I remember it really clearly. I thought you'd forget..."

"I COULD NEVER....forget something as important to me than that moment when I met you," 


OHHHH yoonnmin in the house! Thanks for reading :) 

Juggling My Love Life (yoonmin)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें