Chapter Thirty ⚜️ Fate

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My scarred hand shakes as I place their weapons on their graves, a tradition the Nephilim follow to honour the passed ones.

I sit on the cliff edge that I saw so many times in my dreams. The final resting place of my parents. A tear slips from eye as I remember the morning I woke up from the war and Link told me all the people we lost. Jenn. Jack. Danny the pack trainer. The list went on and on.

I watch the sunset unfold.

I never thought I would ever see one again. Not in this life-time. Not after killing Cain. Shooting pain ricochets through me as I stand up.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I couldn't save them. Not all of them..." My soft whisper is carried by the breeze.

I look out on the cliff edge and I see them hand in hand, strong, even in death. They're warm smiles reign down on me.

"No Tamora, you saved them all. The Corrupted have retreated for now and peace has settled in the supernatural world, but more is coming. Darkness never rests. We are so, so proud of you. Now find her. Find your sister. Together, you can defeat the darkness, once and for all. We love you my little Angel."

I watch as their bodies slowly  fade away into dust.

A warm hand envelopes mine and sparks tingle on my skin. I lay my head on his shoulder as we watch together the sun setting and as a new dawn begins. I release a shaky breath.

"I'll find her. I promise."


So this is the end of Ascendant. I admit, there was times I almost gave up with this book. I found it so hard to write, especially as it was my first book and I guess you are never truly happy with any outcome, but I am as happy as I can be with it. I re-wrote the finale so many times and with so many outcomes, but whether or not I continue with a sequel I am un-sure, but I will know eventually!

Do you think I should do a sequel? If so comment what you think!

I guess, we are all here at the end, because we wanted that escape from reality. I hope I did that for you. I hope I see you all again, one way or another! This is only the beginning of my journey as a writer, so if you want to join me, hit that follow button!

I am so sad this is the end, but all good things must. I hope everyone of you fight for what you want and follow your dreams just like I am, no matter how hard or difficult it maybe. Be kind to one another, help one another, because without help to motivate me, I never would of finished this story and began a new chapter in my life. Each one of you, no matter who you are, have the potential to make a difference no matter how small. Be that difference. Love yourself, accept yourself and love others so we can grow to become our better selves.

Thank-you for everything my readers, until we meet again. x

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