Chapter Twenty-Two ⚜️ Surprise

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The car roared in the night as the cold rush of wind whistled. Lifting the coffee cup out of the holder, I relish in the warmth of the drink. Energy flowed through me and I feel awake, alive. I've been travelling for hours. Nothing but smooth road ahead of me. I hope.


I swing my sword with fury, the head of a another rogue falls and joins it's friend as the blood drips from my blade. Adrenaline rushes through my body as I stand with my back to the car, as a full pack of rogues stand growling at me, their eyes full of hatred and anger. Some shift back, some stay in their wolf form. I count 11. Either way, they will all die.

They launch themselves at me and I back flip onto the top of my car, the boots of my feet connecting with the jaw of a wolf, sending it sprawling to the side. A golden wolf jumps and bites into my leg and pierced me, blood gushing from left calf. Screaming in agony and frustration, I shake my leg but he stays on like a flea, damn dogs! Twirling my sword in my hand, I drive it through the mutts eye, the quench of sword meeting bone resonated and he slides of my leg, crumpling to the floor. A growl of anger could be heard as a giant silver wolf shifts back.

A colossus of a man, 6ft 6" with the whitest skin and the biggest bulging muscles I have ever seen. Veins ran down his arms and he roars at me. I jump down from the car and he towers over my small frame, "Blimey, what steroids are you on?"

He growls and runs and jumps, tackling me onto the concrete road in the middle of no where. My sword flies out of my grip and I groan as I collide with the rock hard floor and the man lands on top of me. I feel the blood trickling down my back from the collision. I wrap my arms his neck and flip us over, me on top. His ram like legs fling me off him and I crash into the side of a wolf, Eugh. The wolf whimpers and I sigh; whipping out my knife from the holster and stab the mutt in the face, causing his body to slump to the floor.

I get back on my feet, wiping the knife on my now ripped jeans, well that saves me buying some I guess.

The power within strengthens my every move as I twirl around, dodging the claws of multiple rogues. I stand in the middle of the road, my car to the side covered in blood and the remaining rogues circle me. Thump, thump, thump. The racing of my heart beats ferociously in my ears and the knife in my left hand starts to glow white, "Oh kittens! You bunch of bad girls! You are all in trouble now!"

Snarls erupt around me and I cackle loudly as they all launch themselves at me. My power takes over my instincts and I slam my right hand into the ground, a force of white energy repulsing around me. The telekinetic force sends every rogue crashing backwards into the ground, whimpers fill the air as many of them are shattered to ash or their bodies broken and dismembered.

The chill wind of the night tickles my bare arms as the veins in my arms illuminate pure energy. I toss the knife in the air, "How does it feel to be beaten?" I say, my menacing voice echoing breaking the cries of pain and the smell of death.

The colossus white prick stands back up.

His gravely voice chuckles, "Beaten? I will not be beaten by a midget, let alone a woman!" causing me to smirk in response.

"Tough luck cupcake!"

Within seconds I am standing before him and I karate chop his throat, immediately sending a round house kick to his solar plexus. The steroid pumped cupcake flies to the ground as his head bounces off the concrete and his eyes bulge as he grasps for a breath. I stand over him as fear radiates of his body and I reach my hand out towards my sword. Come.

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