Chapter Five ⚜️ Message

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Chapter Five


The sound echoes around the dead apartment. The moonlight creeps in through the windows, illuminating the room in misty glow. I deadbolt the door, locking it shut to keep out any unwanted intruders. I run around the apartment, shutting the curtains and immersing myself into darkness. I switch on the ceiling lights, the room having a soft orange hue.

I'm not sure if I have been followed or not. I gunned it back to the apartment, taking twists and turns to cover my trail. I hear there howls in the night, they vibrate across the land, one of anger, one of vengeance. I was only doing recon, there was a small chance of contact, and the odds were not in my favour. It means the job has just got a lot fucking harder, and I may have contact with the Alpha, and they are all aware that a hunter is in town. The pack now know of my presence, meaning the assassination will be a lot harder, as security has been tightened.

I slip off my jacket and throw it on the edge of the sofa. I walk over to the kitchen and grab myself a water to replenish myself. I slip my phone out of my pocket and dial Damien for a progress report.

The phone rings in my ear as I dial the number for Damien's personal phone.

"Tamora why are you ringing at this hour?" His voice grovels out, obviously from just being awakened.

"There's been a situation. My presence has been compromised, the pack now know's there is a hunter in town. Sir, what is my orders?" I bark out tone dead.

"Continue as ordered. Jenn must die at all costs to prevent future attacks. Do not fail me Tamora, or you will pay the price. Now leave me and let me sleep" He shouts out, anger lacing his voice.

"Yes Sir." I say, like the toy soldier I already am.

I slam the phone down on the crimson worktop and breathe in and out heavily, trying to contain my anger. I lob the closest thing near me against the wall of the kitchen; my glass, and it shatters everywhere. I can feel my eyes blazing like fire, and my blood rushing like a river. I am angry, and I will not fail. I cannot.

For what seems like eternity, the sun flickers through the gaps in the curtain. I survived the night, and as for werewolves they would dare not show themselves in their true, disgusting form in public in broad daylight, benefit for me I guess. Tonight, I return to the woods, and I find the pack house, knocking out any werewolf in my way. I will locate Jenn and soon I will make my move. I shut off the lights and retire to the bedroom, not having slept in nearly 24 hours. I slip into bed, just as dawn approached, and I did not awake until dusk.

My body jolted me up, and I scan my surroundings looking for any sign of danger. After finding none, I was puzzled. Was my body doing this to warn me of danger? I can never be sure. I slip out of bed, throwing the duvet off and leaving my body exposed to the cool air. Goosebumps rise up over my body, I bloody hate the cold. I check the time on the wall, 7.57pm. The further you get into winter, the earlier dusk arrives, means more time hunting in the crisp night.

I slip on a pair of fresh undergarments, and slip on my hunting gear. Black boots, with black jeans and tank-top, with my iconic leather coat. I attach a sheath on either side of my hip, and head over to the armoury. I grab 2 long daggers, attaching them to my hip sheaths, a blade up each of my sleeves, a gun in my waistband and a knife in each boot, all silver. This time I will be more prepared. I will be untraceable. I bring out a bottle of wolfsbane spray; one that will be able to hide my scent from the wolves and being prevented from tracking.

Jenny the receptionist waves as I walk past, and I nod, smiling to myself that she completely missed the blades on my hips. I leave the building, into the chilly night air and it pierces me to the bone. I drive out of the apartment onto the road, I seem to have missed all the traffic rush to get home, perfect. I start to drive towards the outskirts of town when I notice a small takeaway shop. I pull up outside, and unstrap the 2 blades on my hips; the only ones visible. I chuck them on the passenger seat and leave the car, heading towards the delicious smell of food. My stomach growls like a werewolves, desperate for a meal. I open the door with a little ding, and the smell of food wafts up my nose. My mouth salivates, as my eyes scour the menu.

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