Chapter Four ⚜️ Ridge-fall

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Chapter Four

I slot the petrol cap back in place and twist locking it in place. The winds howl in the night like a pack of wild wolves, as the flickering lights of the petrol station fight to stay awake. The wind blows my hair violently across my face and I stumble from the force of the ominous wind. I continue walking and open the door to the petrol station, and I rub my arms together to get some warmth as I walk up to the counter.

"Number 1 please" I say, as I look around the small and dull station.

"Sure sweetheart, that will be 20.25 please doll, but it could be cheaper" He smirks and winks at me suggestively. What a pig!

I hand him the cash, staring at him like the trash beneath my foot.

"You really think you have a chance with me? You smell like the trash in the dumpster outside, and you're what? 40? No chance old man, now give me my change, I have places to be." I spit out, venom lacing my voice.

He pulls out a old looking rifle, and sets out down on the desk, looking into my eyes with menace.

"Listen here little girl, you will do as I say or things will get messy, now why don't you show me what you got hiding beneath that jacket of yours?" He growls out, his voice mixed with lust. My body shudders with disgust, but I come up with another idea.

"Oh baby, of course! You want to see what i'm hiding beneath my jacket?" I smile seductively, licking my lips for effect.

"Yes I do, show me!" He groans out, completely entranced.

I zip down my jacket slowly to tease him, and I slowly walk towards the counter. I unzip my jacket, and I see him focus on my breasts. Perfect. I reach around for the gun in my waistband and within seconds my gun is at his head, and he reaches for his rifle. I backhand him with my weapon hearing a satisfying crack of the nose and he stumbles back grasping his nose. Blood immediately starts rushing from his nose, and he mumbling curse words under his breath before he screams at me

"You little bitch! You'll pay!"

"Yes sweetie, I am. Now give me my change, before things well, what did you say again? Oh yeah! Messy." Emphasising on the word messy, my voice laced with sarcasm.

With a blood covered hand, he hands me my change, and screams at me to get out the shop. As I walk past, I take a bottle of coke, turn around and say "Hey babe, i'm taking this as-well, as you know...compensation is needed for not shooting you."

I send him a sickly sweet smile and wink, leaving the shop and back to my car. With a gun in one hand and a bottle of coke in another, I slide back into the car, placing both on the passenger seat and return back on my long and gruelling across the country, to where the Alpha Holden pack is.

I drive through the rest of the night, and a yawn escapes my mouth. The sun rises, and I feel exhausted from the constant travelling. I am only half an hour away from the border to Alpha Holden's pack, according to the Wolf territory map. White Maw have set me up with a temporary apartment, refurbished with guns, clothes and all the supplies I will need for this mission. The mission is hopefully going to be a short one, but I have always succeeded regardless of length. I keep driving, my body feeling more awake, knowing in less than an hour I will be in bed, having a long nap and a hot shower with some real food.

Driving mindlessly through the countryside roads I come to the border, and I am now minutes from Ridgefall town, and i'm surrounded in dense forest. I roll down the window, letting the fresh air in. It was an early autumn morning and a arctic chill hung in the air. The purity of the surrendering scent of the morning dew filled the forest with a aromatic smell that did not belong on earth. A smell so rich, and so innocent drifted in the air. Autumn leaves from the tall trees lay scattered on the forest floor and the road; each of them turning brittle brown; there was a sound like dried cereal being crunched under the wheel, scattering their papery remains across the road. The gloomy twilight of the voluminous trees and the surrounding bushes had become the backbone of the forest, standing as passive protectors of a peaceful place. The autumn sun rose in a hurry as if trying to make up for setting too early the evening before, erupting into the pale sky, sending what was left of the moon away until its next shift guarding the night.

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