Chapter Thirteen ⚜️ Time

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Chapter Thirteen

I let out a sigh of relief as I step under the spray of the hot shower. The hot water runs down my body soothing my aching muscles from the intense workout. After what felt hours but only has been minutes, my skin has shrivelled up and I start to look like a prune so I step out of the shower and dry myself down with a towel, wrapping it round my torso. I wipe the mirror with my hand and I stare into it, looking back at some cold and evil monster. My blue eyes are one of the few things I like about myself, as it links me back to my family. At least I have something left of them.

I look down at my body and see the scars that litter them, from knife wounds to bullet holes. A shiver runs through me, I hate what I have become but is necessary on the path I am going on. Every wound has made me stronger and one day I will face the ones that killed my family. I will get justice. I wonder if Link knows anything about wolves with red eyes? He is an Alpha so he must have some idea. I'll ask him...

I saunter down the corridor feeling the chill breeze of the autumn morning. The house is mostly silent apart from the ruffling of Link and Jack downstairs. As I was about to walk into the room i'm currently staying in, a short brunette wearing a hi-low hem dress in black, who looks around my age walks out of the room adjacent and our bodies collide. I swear under my breath and try to get past but she stands in front of my door.

"It's Tamora right? I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Clary, Link's sister. Nice to meet you!" She extends her hand, her green eyes twinkling and a smile broadening her face.

With a sigh, better get this over and done with I guess. "Yes I am Tamora, no I am not in the mood for meeting another mutt. So move out of my way before I make you!" I say, fed up of the current predicament. I can't get close to these people. They'll only end up dying and for now they have no reason to die. I may not like these furballs but I don't want any reason for them to have a death wish. There has to be a balance in this world, even I understand that. Us hunters, we kill only those bad wolves, with the occasional exception. However, werewolves are unpredictable. I will not allow myself to get any more involved than I already am. I go to walk past but she grips my forearm with strength and her eyes narrow into slits.

"I am not just another mutt! I am actually human, so go take your rude attitude and shove it where it shines because I will not be talked down to like that, especially from the likes of you." Her eyes stare into mine with anger.

Eh I've been called worse. Had worse. Unphased, my mouth curves upwards into a small smile, "I like you a lot, You got spirit!"

Her face morphs into one of shock as I go around her and slip through the door. I shut it with a click, leaving Clary out there. Tick tock. Tick tock. The clock reads only 7.45am. All of this drama already and it isnt even 8? I take off the towel and slip on my undergarments. I pull on my black jeans, a large jumper and my boots. I rub the towel through my short hair to dry out as much as I can, leaving the rest of it to dry naturally. I grab my makeup and lightly touch up, putting some colour into my pale face. I've got to look somewhat alive.

With a deep breath I leave the room and head downstairs where the muttering of voices could be heard.

"---rmed out after what happened into the training room" Huh?

I walk down the stairs quickly and stand by the wall to the kitchen, my back too it so I can listen to them talking.

"No idea but she took a car and left to go into town, probably just to blow off some steam" Jack said, the deep voice bellows "We need to decide what we are going to do with Tamora" He continued saying.

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