Chapter Twenty-One ⚜️ Let Me Go

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Chapter Twenty-One

My lips still tingled from the kiss. Link left the room, leaving me standing there like a silly high school girl and unknowingly a small smile appeared as he closed the door behind him. I trace my lips with my finger, the electric still running through them. I feel my power pulse through me, like a warmth that creeps over me. Holy shit. That was the hottest kiss I have ever had. You mean the only kiss you'd ever had? My mind responds. Stupid bloody wolves always doing this to me, can I never have a simple life? No.

The door creaks open and Clary comes in the room, a know it all smile written all over her face - brilliant. She wiggles her eyebrows at me, "Hello my dear sister in law!" Groaning in response, I slap her on the arm and she chuckles, "So, when am I going to have little babies running around?"..."little wolves shooting white balls out of their paws?" laughing harder at her own comments, I grab the nearest item of the shelf; throwing a hairbrush at her. A massive thwack could be heard and she tumbles to the floor, with a gasp emitting from her lips.

"How DARE you! That was my favourite brush!" She whines at me, pouting her lips.

She flicks her long brown hair over her shoulders and stares up at me from the floor.

"I-I don't want you to go! You've only been here a month or so and I don't want to lose you!"

I crouch down, gripping her hands in mine, "I promise you, I'm coming back. For all of you! This is something that has been years in the process and I believe now is the time to face the past..." my voice trails off in a whisper.

"I've seen what you're up against Tamora. I fought against one and it was the most brutal, terrifying experience of my life. How are you going to go against an army!"

"Clary, for 7 years I have been living in Hell. This was only an escape from it. A sanctuary. Now hell is knocking on your doors because of me and it's time I return to it. I need to face the demons that lurk in my past, so one day when I return to here, now, there will be no hell for me to return too."

Her arms grasp around my waist and pull me tight and I feel her body tremble. She quakes in my arms and we embrace in silence as the weight of my decision resonates. She pulls away and I stare into her glassy eyes as a tear drips down her face but my thumb wipes it away.

"It's okay Clary. Remember that day when we went down to the beach and we sat for hours and talked as the sun settled? Where that moment of peace was bliss? Hold onto that. One day, when the time comes, you'll need to stand up and fight, for yourself. For your family. So one day, you can have peace. War is brewing. I can feel it in my bones and I need to know what's going on before the darkness rises." I whisper, kissing her forehead.

"Stay strong." I murmur, picking up my duffel bags filled with my stuff and leave the room quietly.

"Stay alive." Clary's voice cracks as I prepare to leave behind the one place where I finally felt home.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I drop the bags on the floor. I send a nod to Sam and Ruth who are behind the counter cooking some food.

"When are you leaving?" Ruth's soft voice echoes over to where I am sat at the table.

"Couple of hours, I should arrive in my hometown if I drive through the night by morning light."

"You're parents would be so proud of you Tamora. The Woman you have become, a strong, resilient and stubborn. You take after them so much and I am sure your family are looking down on you with nothing but pride." Sam comes over and grabs my hand, Ruth the other.

"You haven't had it easy. We all know that. So much has changed in little time and whatever happens out there, know we are always here and like we did for your parents, we will fight with you."

A tear drips down, "I'll make you proud, I promise I will."

Ruth brings me close and whispers, "Honey, you already have."

"Ah, what is that smell?!" Sam breaks away and shouts.

"Dear, that would be the burning omelette!" Ruth laughs.


My hand shakes as I grip the boot of my car and lift it upwards, putting the last of my bags in. Filled with weapons, food and water and my clothes, it's time for me to leave. As the sun glares down on the late evening, I hear the cries of laughter of children on the gravel on the other side of the garage as they chase one another. I look through the window and see a group playing tag and I see their mother's and father's stood to the side, watching with close eyes in case of another attack. The pack has already cleared up the dead and workers from the pack are repairing the damaged houses. This is what I am trying to protect. I don't want the pack mourning their dead members, or constantly living in fear of another attack because of me.

I get into my car and the garage door opens, pulling away slowly. The people part as my car travels on the gravel, watching with sadness, not knowing if they will ever see me again. My car rumbles as the crunch of the  gravel lessens and I exit the pack town.

My breath leaves my body as I slam on the breaks, the lights of my car illuminating a hunched figure who just jumped in front of my car. Link. Oh Link...

"What are you trying to do huh? Trying to get yourself killed?" I shout at him.

"No, I can't let you leave. I can't watch you drive away, knowing I may never see you again. Watch as you drive off to your death! That's where you are going!" His eyes flash gold, the anger emanating in waves. "I will not let you die!"

I take another step forward.

And another.

One last step.

Our lips touch, the anger drains as he breaks down into my arms. We kiss with fierce determination, a kiss that say's goodbye.

"Let me go Link. You know I have to go." Our foreheads touch as we whisper.

"Take me with you! Screw the pack, you're all I want!"

"No Link! That is your family! You have to protect them. You can't leave them all to die like this! No matter what you protect your family!"

I can't let the killer of my family walk free. They have to pay for what they did. To my Mum. To my Dad. To my Sister. They will not kill another person close to me. I will die trying if I have too. They'll pay.

They all will.

"Let me go Link. Let me go..."


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