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"I'm glad to see that you are alright (y/n) now let's get going." The familiar figure said taking my hand.


When the figure took my hand he brought me to his shop, "So undertaker why did you bring me here and why can't I just go to the phantomhive manor?" The only answer I got was laughter. I walked further in and was in awe, creeped out but still in awe. The shop was more detailed in person than watching it on a screen. The undertaker broke my thoughts by tossing a dress to me. "Your going to want to put that on, pants and a t-shirt isn't exactly what a woman wears here." He said pointing to a back room. I went into the room and was staring at the dress he gave me. The body had blue and black​ designs and it had straps that wrapped around the neck and the rest was black. (Dress at top)

While I was putting the dress on I heard the most familiar set of voices. "Undertaker we need information." The youngest voice said. I quickly got the rest of the dress on and ran my fingers through my (h/l) (h/c) hair to straighten it out. I heard the undertaker ask for a good laugh but he must have remembered I was in the back and just told them to ask their questions. I peeked around the corner just enough so they wouldn't​notice me.

Ciel's POV

When the undertaker stopped Sebastian from telling his disgusting joke he told us that the information was free of charge this time, 'strange' I thought but went and asked any way. "I want to know if there is anyway to bring (y/n) here from her own time." The undertaker just started laughing like a mad man. 'I didn't even tell a joke and this loon is laughing.' I thought with an annoyed facial expression. I looked at Sebastian and he was clearly confused at his action but he must have noticed something, seeing as he wasn't looking at the undertaker anymore. "Sebastian?" He just walks towards the back and the undertaker stopped him. "What is the meaning of this let us see what is back there, immediately." I ordered but he wouldn't budge.

(Y/n) POV

When I seen the undertaker stop Sebastian from coming to the room I was in, I silently went into the room I was in and closed the door quietly. I hid behind the door so if they walked In they wouldn't see me. I heard the undertaker tell them that they really shouldn't be in the back but that didn't stop them since the door opened and I was nearly crushed with it. I held my breath so whoever was in the room with me wouldn't hear me. 'What am I hiding for anyway, I wanted to see them again.' I must have let out a breath or my foot shuffled on the floor because the door was moved away from me and a pair of beautiful crimson eyes were looking into my (e/c) eyes. "Hehe hi Sebastian." I said with a nervous laugh. I noticed his eyes grow wide when he seen me. "Hey are you okay, you look like you seen a ghost." I said waving my​ hand in front of his face.

When ciel walks in his eye grows wide as well. "Okay, can someone speak or are they just going to stare." I said getting a little irritated. Sebastian snaps out of his daze first and asks, "how are you here lady (y/n)." I ignored the fact he addressed me as 'lady' and I pointed to the undertaker. "The undertaker of course, he said all I had to do was think about Black Butler, it wasn't easy I can tell you that much." I said. After I said this ciel finally snaps out of his stunned state, "Well I'm glad to see you but what made you want to wear a dress." I glared at ciel who held a smug look. "Well it's either blend in or have people look at me in a pair of jeans and a black butler t-shirt." I said crossing my arms. "At least now you don't look like a boy." I felt my cheeks get warm but I wasn't embarrassed, I was angry.

"You know what phantomhive!!! Your dead!!" I took off the flats I was wearing and held up the bottom of the dress so I wouldn't fall and started chasing him. When I caught up I jumped and tackled him to stop him but before that happened someone grabbed my arm. I look to find Sebastian's gloved hand and his straight face, "lady (y/n), you should not act unladylike. You are in our time period after all." I didn't say anything but I stuck my tongue out at him like I was five years old. When the undertaker made his way back to us after his fit of laughter, he spoke, "Well young Earl, looks like you got what you came for but I will warn you. All of you that, miss (y/n) must not remove that pendant, or terrible things can happen, Bye have fun." And just like that he shoved us all out of the shop, I was blank minded and then began to beat on his door, "Hey you creepy old man!!! Give me back my clothes!!" Sebastian touched me shoulder​, "We should get going back to the manor mi'lady." I blushed a little bit and followed them to a beautiful black carraige, Sebastian helped ciel in first and then myself, then we left.

~time skip to manor~

When I looked out of the small window I noticed something in the distance, it was the phantomhive manor. I grew a large smile and ciel must have noticed because he spoke, "Why are you so happy to see the manor?" He asked a bit confused. "Because its not everyday that someone from my time and world gets to see this manor." I said trying to conceal my fangirl side. When we pulled up to the front Sebastian helped ciel then me get out of the carraige. When I stepped down I heard the three servants running to ciel. They bowed and started rambling on about something that I couldn't make out, I was to busy staring at the front of the manor. I finally snapped out of my daze hearing a very loud screech.

OMG The first chapter to the second book I am so happy that I made it this far... Thank you sooo much hope you enjoy the second book as you did the first one... O(≧▽≦)O

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