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Undyne was dragging along a few bags across the concrete path, through the concrete city; toward a concrete castle. She would've welcomed empty streets. Instead,  monsters floated and ran about, coasting purely on the hype. The return to the surface.

Yeah. Undyne was surprised too. Thanks for the comment, Mr. Slug Guy, and really, she's just doing her job. No, I'm not the only brave one.

She's making everybody's day. No, lifting up their lives. The return to the surface should mean new beginnings for monsterkind.

Everyone else seemed to think so. She couldn't go three feet without strangers shaking her hand, or thumping her back, or hearing any breathless thank-yous. One even offered to carry her luggage for her, and since refusal didn't seem to be an option, she had a companion following her to Asgore's castle.

Undyne's gaze found the sprawling town, monsters milling about; all smiles, or with shiny tears streaming down their cheeks. The windows were a dazzle as monsters eagerly stuffed belongings in boxes or treasures in  knapsacks. Monsterkind was ready for a new beginning.

"Um. Wow. I'm so excited to be here! Walking next to you, I mean." Undyne raised an eyebrow at the small monster kid trailing her, lugging her baggage using only his mouth. "Gosh, what would my sister say! Oh man! You know what? I bet she probably wouldn't believe me! That's how sisters work, I guess-"

"What's your name?" Undyne didn't want to interrupt, but she was tired, hungry, and kinda wanted this kid off her back.

The youngster paused, and his face became furrowed. "Usually people call me Monster Kid." He muttered around the strap almost shyly.

Here comes another mysterious fan. Undyne smiled and dipped her head, and luckily, that monster didn't stay to chat. "Really? Why do people call you that?"

"Dunno, but it sure beats No Arms!" Monster Kid broke into a gallop as he realized how far ahead Undyne was. "Although, my name isn't as awesome as your name!"

Undyne couldn't spare one eye on Monster Kid, but waddling like that and he was going to get a face full of concrete. "Yeah. Well... thanks."

"You're so welcome!" Monster Kid beamed.

"Hey listen..." Undyne waved at a different monster that was struggling to get her attention. She looked like she was going to faint. Undyne turned away from her and bent down to her companion's level.

"Listen, I'm a very busy fish, okay?" His brown eyes grew as wide as saucers. "I'm almost late to a very important... meeting, and I need your help. How about we go faster, okay?"

"Um, yes, Head of Royal Guard, ma'am!" Undyne had feeling if he had arms, he would be salting her. 

The "very busy fish" straightened and began to jog, her eye zooming to the ceiling so she couldn't catch the eyes of others. Colors and sounds melted into a blur, and her feelings dropped away into the acceleration.

The only noises she recognized were the squeaks and thumping footfalls from her companion. A voice told her to slow down. The voice couldn't keep up after a while. 

She plowed a path, and the crowd split like the Red Sea. She felt the awed eyes of many monsters scorching her skin.

Doesn't matter. Something prickled at her scales. While she was running, she tugged her jacket sleeves lower on her arms.

She let her gaze slid down. Familiar grey doors. She grunted as she rocketed to a halt.

She jammed a few buttons, then turned around to slung her bags over her back again, but Monster Kid was already piling into the elevator. Undyne pushed her way through.

"Good run, Monster Kid." The elevator rattled, before it began to rise. Her luggage carrier grinned, shoulders heaving, and face dripping.

Undyne was panting a bit too, but she wasn't sure why. The run was manageable. In fact, she used to practice charging up and down that very road.

Maybe she did know, and it's just hard to admit.

A buzz rumbled in her jacket pocket. Curious, she snapped her phone out. The screen glowed a light green, flashing one word;


Undyne stuffed it back in.  "Hey, how about we race the rest of the way to Asgore Castle?" Undyne suggested with a shrug.

Her companion's brow furrowed. "A race? With you? You'd... probably win instantly!"

Annoyance bleed throughout her body. The stain spread to her excuse: "Well, obviously, surprises can happen."

A pause trudged right after. Did she mess something up? Undyne froze.

Monster Kid nodded vigorously. "Uh huh! You betcha! If there's one thing I'm know for, it's going really fast!"

A sigh escaped her chest. "I noticed. You have definite Royal Guard material."

She probably made the little youth's day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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