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Chapter song: Pretty U - Seventeen (Smyang piano)

You both finally reached the house and you both were greeted by his drunk father with bottle of alcohol in his hands.
(Taehyung): Dad, you drank again?
(His dad): Don't tell me what to do.
(Taehyung): By the way, she's a friend. I invited her for a project.
(His dad): Project huh? Whats her name?*hics*
(Taehyung): (Y/N).
(You): Um, hey.
(His dad): Have we met before?
(You): I don't know, have we?
(His dad): Whats your full name?
(You): (Your full name)..
He chuckled.
(His dad): I know you *hics*
(You): You do?
(His dad): *hics* I was friends with your parents once.
(You): What?
(His dad): Until it came to the point where *hics* they threaten to kill me.
(Taehyung): Dad stop it.
(You): Thats not true. My parents are not that kinds of people.
(His dad): *hics* Oh r-really? I wonder why you're defending th-*hics* them too much. Did they not told you that they actually..r-regret that you existed?
(Taehyung): Dad you're drunk! stop it!
(His dad): I'm clearly just ti-*hics* tipsy.
Your hands turns into a fist.
(His dad): If they truly love you..*hics* why didn't they mention you to me? I mean Jungkook was the only one who was known to be your parent's child. *hics*
(Taehyung): What?
(His dad): Fuck off you brat! I've heard alot of things you did. *hics* you were just like my son! But you're more worse!
(Taehyung): Dad stop it.
(You): You don't know anything about me.
(His dad): I know you very well.
(You): You don't.
(His dad): Your parents must be hiding something from you. You were just too dumb to notice.
(His dad): Your parents are not what you think they are. They threaten to kill me, and I assume they hid that from you because they didn't want you to know. Jungkook might know, since he's the favorite kid..and well known.
(Taehyung): Shut up Dad, just stop.
(His dad): Anyways *hics* I gotta go kiddos. Make sure *hics* to make this lady leave before the moon rises.
He then purposely bumps Taehyung's shoulder. Both of you went to his room and went silent for 15 seconds.
(Taehyung): What the hell was he talking about?
You didn't reply, your eyes wandered off before looking into him.
(You): It's true..Jungkook was their favorite child, I didn't complain about it far as I knew..they are not that kind of people who would threaten to kill someone or someshit. And..I have to protect Jungkook from anything..because-...I don't want my parents to lose their favorite..child.
(Taehyung): You know they still love you right?
(You): Of course.
(Taehyung): Now I understand.
(You): Took you long enough.
(Taehyung): Sorry about my dad, he's always like that.
(You): Yeah, I get it. Anyway lets get into the project.
(Taehyung): Alright.

20 minutes later your phone rang for a facetime and it was Jungkook. You answered it.
(You): What do you want?
(Jungkook): Yah! When are you going home?
(You): Next year.
Taehyung chuckled at your sarcasm statement.
(Jungkook): I'm serious.
(You): I'll be home in an Yoongi there?
(Jungkook): Yes he's busy playing.
(You): Tell him that I let him stay to watch you not to fucking play video games.
(Yoongi): I heard that!
He screamed through from afar.
(You): Yah I'm working. I'll see you later? Do you want me to buy anything?
(Jungkook): Buy me some seaweed chips.
(You): I'm broke.
(Jungkook): Aw.
Jungkook pouted.
(You): Fine you whiny kid.
(Jungkook): Hurry up.
(You): Ugh, so impatient.
You hang up.
(Taehyung): Must be nice to have a sibling huh?
(You): Not really I would say..sometimes I just hate him for some stupid shit he does.
(Taehyung): Atleast you got someone who got your back.
(You): Don't you have siblings?
(Taehyung): I kinda wish I do.
(You): Atleast you have friends.
(Taehyung): You do too.
(You): Not that many.
(Taehyung): Right.

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