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Chapter song: Kokobop - EXO (Smyang piano)

You did the same routine as last time, Wake up..Take a bath..Eat..Get ready then leave. You and Jungkook went to school and you walked Jungkook into his classroom eyeing everysingle move his classmates does. You saw Minhyuk who was sitting in the corner saw you, and he immediately covered his face. Namjoon and Jackson is from an upper level, they aren't the same class Jungkook's.
(You): Call me if anything crazy happens..okay?
(Jungkook): I will.
Then he went to his seat.

You went to the school's assistant office to get your locker key, But then you heard a familiar voice calling for you..You turned and saw Yoongi walking towards you.
(You): Hey. Yoongi, what's up?
(Yoongi): You look..cold today, what happened?
(You): What do you mean? I look cold every single day, don't be insane.
(Yoongi): Well I don't know..maybe more colder?
(You): There's nothing more colder than what I look every single day.
-You lied, you looked really cold today. You didn't feel like talking to anyone, you just wanna be alone. You became more colder because of what happened to Jungkook, you are trying your best to keep him safe..Knowing that he was bullied because you don't have parents makes you just-..wanna kill somebody.
(Yoongi): Okay..anyway, I gotta go. See you in class.

Bell rings and everyone went to their classroom, Obviously. You went to the toilet and tried to calm yourself down and try to be your normal self. After 10 minutes, you went to your classroom and everybody stared at you.

(Mrs. Park): Oh hello there. You are 10 minutes late.
(You): I know that.
(Mrs. Park): Do you have anything to say?
(You): Um..No?
(Mrs. Park): Aren't you going to apologize for being late.
(You): Is it a crime to go at the toilet? I mean will I go to jail for that?
(Mrs. Park): You know its class time, Miss (Y/N). You should know when to go at the toilet and when to go to class.
(You): My god, I mean really..If your just going to wait for me..then don't. I'm always late so get used to it.
-You looked at Mrs. Park coldly.
(Mrs. Park): Detention after class... (Y/N). And please have a seat.
-You sat down and rested your chin at your palms while looking at the window.
(You thought): *When will this suffering ends?*

You have a class with Yoongi next but you realized you still have detention, you called him so you can let him know.
(Yoongi): Hey whats up?
(You): Yoongi, I'm not going to class today..don't wait for me.
(Yoongi): Let me guess..Detention?
(You): You know me very well mister.
(Yoongi): I'll wait for you at the cafeteria, same table.
(You): Yeah sure, see you then.
-You hang up and went to the detention room.

You went in and shocked from the familiar figure you saw.
(Taehyung): No way. YOU again.
(You): Oh great. I'll be stuck with you again with the next 1 and 30 minutes..such a badluck I have everyday.
You sat on the empty seat on the very first infront.
(Taehyung): And what did you do this time?
(You): Doesn't matter.
-He was backfacing you.
(Taehyung): Lemme guess, late? And talked back to a teacher?
(You): Well you can tell that it could be the same reason everyday.
(Taehyung): I talked back to my teacher too, guess we have the same reason then.
(You): Pft right.
(Taehyung): Did you it do intentionally?
(You): the what?
(Taehyung): The talking back.
(You): Yes I did.
(Taehyung): You know you should start to learn to apologize.
You sneered and turned your head to him.
(You): Apologize? Ha! right.
(Taehyung): Couldn't you have any respect for teachers?
(You): Says the one who talked back to his teacher.
(Taehyung): Atleast it was unintentionally.
(You): Intentionally or Unintentionally..Doesn't matter. You still did it.
(Taehyung): This is exactly the main reason why nobody likes you.
(You): And how do you know that?
(Taehyung): Oh because I know.
(You): You know nothing about people here, you are just New.
(Taehyung): It could also be the reason why you don't have friends.
(You): You know nothing about me.
(Taehyung): And what if I do?
-He crossed his arms.
(You): Why?..Do you have friends?
He was taken back from your question.
(You): Make sure you have those before you come at me and start to assume that I don't..- I mean if you didn't bully them on the past..they could have been your friends.
(Taehyung): Where did that came from?
-You laughed.
(You): Doesn't matter.
-You turned your head back and now he's backfacing you again.
(You): You think that I don't know? does people think you've changed? Because if they do, they'd be really disapppointed if they knew that..You didn't.
(Taehyung): Stop talking.
(You): Oh..Are you hurt already?
(Taehyung): Shut up! SHUT UP!
(You): I'm not done yet..Kim Taehyung.
You can sense him glaring at you.
(You): Did you really think that when you move here..you'll have the chance to change? Its so awful to know that you actually got kicked out from all of the school you got in.

Unwanted || Kim TaehyungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz