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Chapter Song: As if its your last - Blackpink (smyang piano)

You went to your classroom and you were eyeing every student but you didn't see Taehyung. You sat on your seat and rested your chin on your palms while looking at the window and thinking about what the girl said earlier. You played with your table by tapping fingers on it, you felt a hand pat your shoulders and you turned to see who it was your classmate named Sana.
(Sana): Hi!
(You): What is it?
(Sana): What is what?
(You): You tapped my shoulder so what is it?
(Sana): Nothing, I just wanted to be friends. Can we?
(You): Can we what?
(Sana): Be friends.
She took out her hands for a handshake and you turned your head back to the window.
(You): I don't have time for friends. Leave me alone.
(Sana): I'm surprised that you're not cursing at me.
(You): Why would I?
(Sana): I always thought you were that kind of person who is cruel enough to do that.
You looked at her.
(You): Do you think I'm kind?
(Sana): Yea why not? I mean always knew you were, even though you always get to detention. I mean theres always a reason behind I right?
You looked at the whiteboard speechless.
(You thought): *Theres always a reason behind why is Taehyung doing this for me?*
(Sana): Anyway, I'm sa-
(You): Sana..Yes I know.
You cut her off.
(Sana): I-I'm surprised that you know my name.
(You): Look, Yes I dont have that many friends as you..I'm not friendly to anyone here..but that doesn't mean that I don't know my classmate's names here.
(Sana): Friends? Me?
She chuckled.
(Sana): I don't have friends. That could be the best joke I have ever heard in my entire life.
(You): You don't have friends?
(Sana): No, If I ever wanted a friend..that would be you.
(You): Me? Why me?
(Sana): Because you're that one person who ever talked to me this long.
(You): Don't trust me too much. Maybe I could change into something or someome else, and I would hurt you. I'd suggest you to don't talk to me before I could hurt you.
(Sana): That's okay! I mean I'm already used to get hurt, and I wouldn't be surprised if I got hurt again.
She smiled.
(You): Well then. I warned you.
(Sana): So..are we friends now?
(You): I don't know, your choice.
(Sana): Sure, were friends now.
Minutes passed, Mr. Kim started discussing and suddenly Taehyung entered the class, followed by the Mina.
(Mr. Kim): Well well, Taehyung you are 15 minutes late..and just got here and you are already late in your first day..Detention after class. Take your seat.
Taehyung walked over past you without making eye contact. You just rested your chin on your palms and just ignored all the thoughts in your mind. After your 1st class, you called his name but he didn't turn around. He was at Detention..with Mina, His ex.

You got in your 2nd class which is Mrs. Park's and you saw Yoongi minding his damn business, napping on his table. You shoved his shoulder to wake him up and he did.
(You): Yah! Why the hell are you sleeping?
(Yoongi): I didn't get much sleep.
He yawned.
(Yoongi): Whats going on?
(You): Have you heard of Mina?
(Yoongi): The girl from Busan? Yeah I did. Just hour ago. Why?
(You): I don't know..she just giving me a weird vibe. She's also Taehyung's ex.
(Yoongi): Yeah so?
(You): I don't know..I just think she's planning somekind of..evil plans for him. I don't know.
(Yoongi): Are you jealous?
(You): Me? Jealous?
You chuckled.
(You): That joke is hilarious, tell me more.
He looked at you with a "Seriously?" expression on his fsce.
(You): Dude, I don't know anymore.
(Yoongi): Really? Dude you're changing..if you would know.
(You): Am I? Then Taehyung is doing a good job.
(Yoongi): Do you like him by the way?
You went stunned from his question and your eyes wandered off before looking back at him.
(You): I don't know..I mean he's giving me this weird feeling that never existed from my whole life.
(Yoongi): Mhm..You like him. I knew it.
(You): Yah! I DIDN'T SAY I DO.
(Yoongi): Then why are you over reacting?
(You): Whatever.
You crossed your arms in defeat.

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