Raining in Seoul

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I'm panicking. Why am I panicking, all I see is black, there's nothing to be here to be afraid of.

I felt trapped inside a small space as if someone had put me inside a prison cell. I couldn't do anything, not even move a singular muscle besides my eyes. I was helpless to figure out my situation and there was anxiety to back that fact up.

"Help." I finally whispered, slowly gaining the ability to move. I screamed so loudly that I felt the sound coming back to me and ringing in my ears. "Get me out of here!"

I tried lunging forward, but it looked as if someone had just dropped a car on me and the action was nearly impossible.

I was so scared, possibly the most terrified I'd ever been in my life. I felt helpless and pathetic, but why? I had no reason to be. Something just kept telling me that I had to get out and run away from that room.

Suddenly someone was behind me, too close, far too close. I screamed loudly.

I woke up in a cold sweat, wrapped up messily in blankets. My head thumped in pain along with my stomach.

Memories of before I passed out hit me like a truck. I groaned loudly and muted a scream into my pillow while stretching out on what I knew to be Hoseok's bed. At this point I was growing ever so familiar with it.

I turned quickly on my back once I head a soft, unfamiliar noise. After a moment I did end up recognizing the soft patter of tiny rain drops against the roof top. It was a calming, saddening effect on me.

That's when I felt it, another human on the bed with me. I carefully moved myself away from said person before looking at who it was. Again it was Hoseok sitting right there without without any blankets or pillows. I was about to slide him a pillow from my side when my sketchbook on the bed side caught my attention.

I huffed a little and kicked the heap of blankets from my body and to the bottom of the bed. I read the note on the table.

Hey Unnie,

BTS, Eunha, and Mina all had to go back to work (besides Hobi because he wanted to take care of his precious darling 😉) I have another job interview this afternoon so you're going to have to wish me luck with that.

Eunha's got Luna for the day, so don't you worry about her.

Oh yeah and I'm coming over at 6 with porridge from Mina.

See you soon and I love you,

I looked at the back of the page and saw some things obvious done by Mina and Eunha.

Mina had a mesmerizing drawing of a butterfly in colored pencils. It covered up most of the page, and predominantly was all different shades of blue.

In the bottom left hand corner was a quote that went perfectly with the picture.

I was positive Eunha had written it; she tended to do that sort of thing with me, leave random quotes of inspiration laying about to find.

"She loved him because he had brought her back to life. She had been like a butterfly in a cocoon, and he had drawn her out and shown her she was a butterfly."

-Ken Follett

I just stared at it for a moment, not wanting to fully grasp what it said. She'd written this for a reason. Had she seen a change in me already? I hadn't known.

I set down the sketchbook back down as to not make a sound, and turned to Hoseok. He stayed there, not moving a muscle and snoring ever so softly. After a moment of shamelessly staring at him I took a pillow from my head and tried my best to lift his head up without waking him.

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