The Truth Comes Out

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Hoseok sighed and ran a hand over his face. I glared at him and awaited a response.

"So about a week ago one of the upper level employees came to me and said that I was getting really close to you. Too close." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I didn't see a problem with and I told him that. I honestly love being around you."

I rolled my eyes at that. He had a rough time showing it recently.

"Then he started threatening me. He said that if he saw us anywhere close to each other besides practice he would make sure that not only would you would be fired, but he would make your life hell." Everyone's eyes were on him as he continued speaking.

"I-I didn't think he could do anything personally to you, but he started telling me things about your past. He-he said that he knew where Jason was and he was looking for you. If I didn't back off he would tell Jason exactly where you were or come for you himself." I froze when he mentioned the name Jason, not even breathing momentarily. The only thing moving for a little bit was the violent shaking of my hands and legs. I was barely standing, and I think the very strong Mother of the group noticed that as he wrapped my arm around his shoulders to help support me.

Hoseok nodded to my response of my reaction. "You see why I had to ignore you. Ara, I was protecting you. I would never do that sort of thing to you if I didn't have to." He came closer to me and I flinched away from it. I didn't want to be touched at that point. I was much too frightened.

Nobody in the band besides Jin said a word or moved this entire time, probably trying to absorb it just like I did. But they were trying find out who this random guy named Jason was.

"It was so difficult for me to stay away from you." He ever so gently brought his hand towards my face and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear that was escaping my messy bun. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried not to move away from him.

I failed to and moved my face instinctively into Jin's chest.

It scared me that he knew about Jason, and I guess I was just scared of Hoseok momentarily. I was almost waiting for him to start screaming at me, claiming horrible things about me. This wasn't how he was supposed to find out about my past, once all of this craziness was over I was supposed to tell the group. To tell them fully and truthfully.

"Manager Nim said that I had to stay away from you at all costs, and focus on my job or else he would fire both of us.

For a while I just had to see you as a whore, that's all I could do to stay away from you. I had to repeat it in my head, even though I knew it wasn't true. That kept me away from you a while, but I was just so desperate to be-"

I gasped a little bit as he said that dreadful word out loud. I also got a flashback that was just as dreadful. The rest of his speech was slowly fading from my hearing as the flashback started.

He grabbed me by my hair and forced me closer to his face. He squinted at me and a smile grew on his face.

"You're so beautiful, Jagiya." He spoke in English, his smooth voice was so soft and kind. I hated that he called me Jagiya anymore. He wasn't even Korean, he was British. I used to love it when he called me pet names in Korean, but recently he's lost that right.

He tugged harshly at my head , making me suck in a quick breath in pain. I looked into those chocolate brown eyes and curly black hair that I fell in love with. I saw the love in them, the tiny spark that seemed to be as big as the moon to me. And that was the thing that broke me. I felt my chest sting, right where my heart would be. I didn't have one anymore, he already broke it them ripped it right out of me.

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