Battle Scars

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All of the girls wanted to go out with the guys, but they were fighting over where we wanted to go. So, naturally we formed groups and took care of it later.

"Hopi, do you want to do something with me? We can do what ever you want." I tried to coax him into talking to me. He had been rather grumpy in general lately and I couldn't help but feel as if I were the cause to that.

"No thanks, I'm going to stay here and practice." Of course he was going to. He really wanted nothing to do with me. My heart sunk.

"It's starting to become summer, and you're still wearing your long sleeves." Taehyung pointed out. I tried to think of a quick excuse to use.

"I don't have very many clothes, and was alway cold in the practice rooms anyways." I pointed out.

"Come on, Rap Monster and I will take you out shopping for some stuff. You need a major closet redo."he grabbed my arm and led me to where Namjoon was standing and chatting with Eunha. I didn't want to go, I saw no need for it. Okay, so maybe I did desperately need new clothes, as most of them I were stuffed in the corner of my closet mocking me. I just didn't want to go.

It seem as though I didn't have a choice though, as I had been dragged about. I gave Eunha an apologetic look for disrupting her and Namjoon's conversation.

"Wait you guys have practice, stop. We can't go out." I said and tried to take my arm from Taehyung's grasp. He compiled immediately, looking at me and pouting.

"We haven't gotten a break in a week Noona. A little bit of shopping won't hurt anything."he pouted even more. I sighed and nodded, giving in. His pout faded and was replaced with an adorable box smile.

"You want to come, Joonie?" I asked. His eyes bolted to Eunha as she frowned a little bit.

"Only if it's okay with Eunha. I don't want her to be lonely." Namjoon replied after a quick second of thinking.

"I wanted to get to know everybody else so yeah that's okay with me."she sent a small smile to me which held a smidge of jealousy. Ooh big sisters already got a crush now does she? Good. As a 24 year old she needed to to settle down with someone and find love. I definitely approved of Namjoon and her.

"No Unnie, come with us. Please?" I begged. I feared what these men would have me try on. She knew my limits and hopefully would help me out of any mess that the two devilish tricksters would get me into. Plus she and Namjoon could spend some time together, which I 1000% permitted.

"Come on slow poke, we're taking my car"Eunha called and led me to the car. We drove to the closest mall, which was fifteen minutes away.

Like a child, Taehyung dragged me to the nearest store. "Hyung can you just grab her some stuff to try on?" he asked.

"I'm a size 3 in junior jeans and a small in everything juniors." I said and Namjoon nodded, going off to find something.

Taehyung and Eunha directed me to a pile of clothes in display. They were jeans in an assortment of shades of blue.

I didn't exactly like his choices, the jeans too skinny and too short. I like my baggy clothing, it was comfortable and I didn't feel like I was showing too much skin. Showing too much skin leads you to bad things happening in my experience.

Eunha looked puzzled as to what she would actually grab. After a few minutes of her aimless wondering, grabbing a few items she came up behind me.

"I'm really glad you decided to do this, you really do need to redo your closet space. You have to learn that you can still be modest without being unfashionable."she stressed, smiling the ever so slightest bit. "Even though there's no reason for you to have to be modest, I'm just saying."

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