Two redheads with skills

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Rose from Blackpink casted as Yuna

Yuna POV

So Jimin and Yoongi both decided that they wanted to go out for a late lunch since we were the only ones still in the practice rooms, well besides Hoseok. He did say that he was going to stay there though.

Yoongi and I both voted to go back to the dorms and take a nap, but Jimin insisted that he was starving. I rolled my eyes but I had to admit that food sounded good right about then.

"So I heard you're into music?" Yoongi asked sincerely. He slid a little bit closer to me in their car.

"I'm more than a little bit involved in music.I just graduated with a Bachelors degree in music theory." I prided myself with that. Music has always been my escape and I was completely obsessed with all of it. Every genre, style, country, many languages. I listened to all of it.

"I could show you around our recording studio if you'd like? I'm sure there's still at least something you don't already know about music." Yoongi offered. I nodded eagerly to that. As cocky I was with my understanding of music, I was still a little shakey on developing my own pieces. I wanted to be new and original, unlike what anybody else has done before. I just found it difficult to do because I let certain artists influence me far too much than I should, I saw rhythms or chords I liked and copied them too often.  Maybe that wasn't a bad thing, but like I said originality is key. I bet he could help with that.

"If Suga gets to show you somethings about the music studio, then maybe I could show you something in the dance studio?" Jimin offered. I immediately shook my head. I had several good friends, thanks to Ara, who were all dance majors. They used to always attempt to teach me some moves but it never really worked out. I was as nimble as a sumo wrestler.

"Been there, done that. I really can't dance." I politely declined Jimin's offer.

"Alright let me know if you change your mind."Jimin said from the drivers seat. I assured him that I would.

We parked the car and got out. As I got up I pulled my black shorts down and pushed my red hair out of my face.

We talked about all sorts of things as we ate at a local restaurant. What college is like, where we were born, culture differences of different parts of the world.

Somehow the conversation went to what Ara was like to grow up with.

"I mean our interests have never changed. I've always wanted to be a musician or band teacher and Ara has always dreamt of being a Dance instructor." I looked down, just remembering one time that she came home from practice frustrated with trying to balance school and dance. She wanted to quit dance, but Eunha and I talked her out of it.

Another memory appeared of me spinning her around after she announced that she'd gotten into her favorite college.

"She used to be so happy." I said without meaning to, the words just came out with me still looking down and playing with my hands.

Then I thought about how happy she'd been when we all walked into practice that day.

I smiled softly at them. "You guys have really helped her honestly. I didn't think that she would ever smile again after the accidents."

"Accidents?" Jimin asked. My eyes widened considerably, I didn't mean to say that. I freaking forgot they didn't know. Why would I forget something like that?

I stumbled on words to make things sound better. "Oh uh yeah Eunha was in a- a car crash last year and it really took a toll on her. We really are close to each other and it worried her."

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