Come Take a Little Chance With Me

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"Black Hat, you're such a charmer!"

Flug grimaced at the pitchy voice. Ugh.

The woman had short, curly, white-blonde hair. Her fashion sense made her look like she jumped right out of the roaring twenties. She was as flirty as they come, and her voice made it worse. She could actually break glass, Flug had seen her do it himself. It wasn't a superpower, it was just annoying. And her name was Gigi.

She was always Flug's least favorite of Black Hat's villain friends, but Black Hat didn't have many friends to begin with. Maybe he saw something in her that Flug didn't. Oh yeah, money.

She'd been a customer for years, and always paid handsomely. Her constant heists and bank robberies in her younger years left her filthy rich. If there was anything Black Hat liked more than a rich customer, it was a rich customer that was easily charmed into buying as much as she could.

Black Hat himself hated being flirted with, let alone flirting in return, but cash was worth it.

"Is it so charming these days to tell the truth, querida?" he purred, kissing her hand.

Flug would beg to differ.

"Stop! You're such a kiss up!" Gigi giggled, her voice somehow going even higher.

"But how may I resist a woman as beautiful as this?" Black Hat kissed up her arm.

Flug made a quiet noise of disgust. As if Dementia weren't bad enough.

Gigi was blushing bright red from her chest to her ears, her overly long cigarette whirling around in the air, threatening Flug's asthma.

Black Hat's lips reached her shoulder, slowly raising his head so their faces were only four inches apart, staring into her green eyes.

Black Hat grinned, but immediately caught a daring look in Gigi's eye. He wanted to pull away but he was too late, as Gigi gripped the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

It wasn't the best kiss Black Hat has ever had. In fact, it had didn't even come close. It was sloppy, their teeth clanked together (he hoped he hadn't cut her, unless she'd have liked that of course), and his neck was at an odd angle. He didn't pull away, she was enjoying herself, so who cared?

Flug gasped, not expecting Gigi to step this much out of line. He especially didn't expect Black Hat to kiss back. It was all a business venture, right? The customer is always right, and all that. This wasn't personal. He felt nothing for this woman.

The anger came in a hot, crashing red tidal wave. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides, though he was barely aware of it. He hated Gigi before, but this was a hatred he'd only ever felt for one person.

He should have reached up and slapped her away. She should have laid on the floor, in shock, a hand on her cheek.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Flug?!" Black Hat would have shouted. Flug would have ignored him. He would have reached into his lab coat pocket, revealing his scalpel.

He should have taken no time in pouncing on the defenseless creature. He should have raised the knife above his head, and brought it swiftly down, plunging it into her chest and watching as the blood and life seeped out of her, one after the other.

Flug blinked. All he should have done.

Gigi released Black Hat from the kiss, grinning flirtatiously and batting her eyelashes. Black Hat had no other choice but to grin back. She was still a high paying customer. It's not like she put a ring on his finger.

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