Family Values

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I rolled onto by back and showed him again.

"Does it hurt real bad?" He asked.

I shrugged as I put my shirt over my hips again.
"Only sometimes."

"Did you get hurt anywhere else?" He asked.

"On my back a little, from the explosion," I yawned again.

"There was an explosion?!" Billy screeched.

I immediately shushed him, afraid Mom and Dad might hear. They seemed concerned enough with the minor details I had shared already. If they knew about Kong and the Skull Crawlers I think they might actually fall over and die.

"Don't tell Gram and Gramps about that, ok?" I instructed him in a hushed voice.

He nodded and zipped his lips.
"Let's take a nap now," he said as he moved the back pack and set the boots down on the floor.

"You want to take a nap?" I asked, surprised by his willingness.

"You need a nap," he told me plainly. "I'll be here to keep watch."

I chuckled.
"Alright then."

I closed my eyes and relaxed, the little noises Billy was making were somehow soothing, and I was drifting between sleep and wake. I was in and out of consciousness and it made the real world and the memories my subconscious brought out to play merge together.

I was laying on my bed but now Slivko lay in front of me, propped up on his elbow as he stared at me. I reached out and held his other hand. I smiled as the shivers ran up my spine the way it did whenever we held hands. What would it be like if he were really here? What would Mom and Dad have said about him or to him? What would he have said about all the casserole dishes? He for sure wouldn't be in my room and on my bed. Slivko in my dream came closer and lay right up against me and closed his eyes. I stroked his hair back and lightly kissed his forehead. I was now convinced that naps with Slivko would be one of the greatest things and wondered when on earth I'd be able to test this theory.

That's when I came back to the real world. I found Billy curled up against me, still awake, with his hand in mine. There was some noise coming from the living room and I thought maybe Grace had come. This was soon confirmed incorrect by my cousin Jared coming through my door and throwing himself next to me on the bed.

"May!" He cried dramatically as he wound his arms around me to give a tight hug. "You're alive!"

"Be careful!" Billy hollered at him as he feebly hit the 15 year old's arms. "She has owies from crashing in a helicopter and exploding!"

"What?!" Jared exclaimed, his voice cracking. ""What the crap happened to you, May?"

"It's like Billy said, crashed helicopter and an explosion," I concurred. "But Mom and Dad don't know about the explosion so keep your mouth shut."

"Geez!" He drew out the word. "Did you almost die?"

I gave him the stink eye and nodded at the young and impressionable Billy.

"I'm here aren't I? So it's fine," I stated clearly.

"You should come say hi to Mom, she's been losing her wig ever since you called her," Jared said after getting the hint.

"Did grace come with you guys? Was she here?" I asked.

He shook his head.

I pouted thoughtfully. 
"Does she not want to see me?" I asked him out of the side of my mouth so Billy wouldn't hear.

Jared scrunched his brows in confusion.
"I don't know. Why?"

"Nevermind," I said as I sat up and got off the bed, the boys following.

I shuffled down the hall with Billy on a leg and Jared with his arms around my shoulders from behind, revelling in the fact that he was almost taller than me now. Aunt Elizabeth jumped up when she saw me coming.

"Oh there she is, with her boys," She cried with a smile, her eyes misty. "We're all so glad you're home." 

She wrapped me up in a huge hug, her bosoms nearly suffocating me. Aunt Elizabeth was a large woman. 

"Are you feeling better, sweetheart?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"Here, I warmed you up some, um... casserole."

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