elemental crushes #3!

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Patricia: okay gotta go to school bye bye! Couples! *Slams the door*

Komari: okay next is mmm..... Aha! Blizzard and ice! *Being mischievous* hehehe....

At komari's tree house...

Komari: hehehe I really gotta do this....!

And the couple has been started...

Blizzard: *knocks at the door* ice you their? Huh? *Saw the door opened* is open? *Goes inside*

Ice's room was os black and dark because he is sleeping...

Blizzard: ice... Ice~ i- Kya! *Trips in a pillow* ow~ my head I need huh? *Feels someones hugging her*

Blizzard didn't know that ice was hugging her. Ice couldn't see a thing too he just want to find his pillow but he thinks blizzard was a pussy pillow... So that why ice hugged her...

Blizzard: ice? Is that you?

Ice: nghh~ so soft... *Hugged her tightly*

Blizzard: ice! Is freaking dark in here why didn't you open the lights?!

Ice: why I'm sleeping so I need to leave the light off... Wait am I hugging you~ *blushed a bit*

Blizzard: wait what are doing..?

Ice took off Blizzard's upper clothes but he failed...

Blizzard: huh? Kya?! *Slaps Ice's hand* *and hugged herself* don't you dare do that to me!

Ice: ... *Hugged her tightly and touching her whole body*

Blizzard: okay that tickles! Stop I hate being tickled! Stop!

Ice: oh? Okay Zzz Zzz Zzz...

Ice was on top on blizzard his head was so close on blizzard's face...

Blizzard's/Yaya's POV:

He was so close I could feel his warm breath and I closed my eyes... And then he kissed me.... Okay he is so mm.... Never mind...

End of Blizzard's POV:

They kissed... But the point is ice kissed blizzard to long... And blizzard tried to cut it but ice hugged her tightly...

Tree house problems!!!!

Komari: *went to the treehouse while holding a sack of rice and the sack fall on Komari's foot* HOT MOLTEN WAFFLES!!!! oh wait I'm alone in my tree house *inhales* YOU LITTLE FU-

Back to the conversation!!!!

Blizzard: mmm..... Enough! *Pushes ice* ...

Ice: *giggled* your such a cutie~

Blizzard: *puffed her cheek* hmph!

Ice: *smiles* [so you do like me..~]

End of that ackward couple and next is *drum rolls* flare x blaze!
I'm so freaking happy!

Komari: gotta record this!

Komari was outside sitting at a rock...

Flare and blaze was playing tag at the garden..

Blaze: I'm gonna catch you easly flare! *Chasing her*

Flare: ha! In your dreams blaze! *While running*

But then...

Flare: *running but she tripped by a Rock* NYA! *Falls* ouch! My leg!

Blaze: Flare! *Goes to her* are you okay?

Flare: I think I spring my leg...! It still hurts...!

Blaze: can you get up?

Flare: I'll try... *Tries to get up but failed* ah! I can't get up...!

Rock problems!!!!

[Author: seriously?]

Komari: lemme guest he will carry her bridal style if I was right I would fly in the air.. hehehe~

Back to the conversation!!!!

Blaze: mmm...... I um.. [just do it Blaze for her!]

Flare: *holding her leg* blaze?

Blaze: *carried her bridal style* *blushes* don't ask okay? *Started to walk while carrying her* ...

Flare: ... I won't..! *Smiles and blushed*

Blaze: ... Your such a cute girl...~

Flare: mmm? *Look at blaze* what?

Blaze: nothing! *Blushes more*

Flare: *giggled* you think I'm a cute?

Blaze: mmm.... *Blushes* yeah.. so what is their a problem?

Flare: of course not blazy~

Blaze: *blushes* tnx...

Rock problem!!!

Komari: oh my hot molten waffles!!!

(A/N): btw all yaya are not wearing a hijab just a hairband with a simbol in it...

Hey guys! Is me! Hope you like it!
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