who send it on YouTube?!

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Quake: breakfast ready!

Scarlet: last one their is rotten potato! *Teleported to the kitchen*

Patricia: no fair! You have teleportation power!.....huh? *Looks at Komari*

Komari: he! *Teleported to the kitchen*

Patricia: Oh co'mn! Really?

Thunderstorm: hey would you just go!

Patricia: okay okay be patient...

At the kitchen...

All the family I mean brothers and freinds... Are eating at the kitchen....

Cyclone: nom! nom! nom! Is so good!

Patricia: haya! Is so good!

Scarlet: hey quake what is komari eating?

Thunderstorm: umm..... Quake what's wrong with Komari?

Quake: oh she's eating dead people.... *Smiles* that's my little girl~

Komari: *eating like a pysco* hehe

Blaze: okay this is creepy....

Ice: let's just eat!  *Eats*

Another moment....

Solar (inside his room): *screams like a little girl*

Scarlet Patricia and Komari: hehehe~ *smirks*

Solar: *screams* WHO SEND THIS ON YOUTUBE?!?!

Solar showed the pole dancing of him...

Blaze: ma eyes is burning AAAHHHHHH!!!!!  *Goes to his room*

Ice: Ahhhh!!!! My eyes is freezing aaaaahhhhhh!

[Author: really?]

Cyclone: Aaaahh!!!! Thundy help me! *Closes his eyes and jump on thundy*

Thunderstorm was carrying cyclone bridal style...

Thunderstorm: er?! *Blushes*

[Author: oy! Is just  brotherly love ok?]

Quake: Scarlet Patricia Komari! Your grounded!

Patricia: h-how do you know?!

Scarlet: we were quiet in Komari's room!

Quake: hey I heard you outside!

Komari: no!!!!!!

Solar: so that's why you send... It... Your so dead..

Scarlet: RUN!! *Teleported to the middle of the earth*

Komari: we have to go Patricia.... *Hold Patricia hand* electric speed! *Speeds off with Patricia*

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