Morning road trip!

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At ScarletHeart328's house...

Komari: *knocks at the door* Patricia! Uli Chan! You there?

Patricia: I'll get it! *Opens the door* oh hey guys! Co'mn at my van!

Blaze: yay! Morning road trip! (X4) haaa! I'm so exited!

Ice: I think I don't wanna get car sick...

Scarlet: don't worry! Patricia's van has anything! If you vomit.. don't worry...

Patricia: I have a 20 packs of plastics!

Thunderstorm: so can we go now....!

Komari: let's go!

Inside the van... The van is moving now....

Quake is driving... And at the back... They are all playing..!

Scarlet and Patricia: let's play turth or dare!

Test boboiboys (quake): count us in!

Komari: haa! *Tooks out a glass bottle* okay ready!

Scarlet: now spin it Patricia...!

Patricia: okie! *Spins it*

The bottle lands in solar and ice!

Patricia: okay ice ask solar....!

Ice: okay solar truth or dare?

Solar: dare.

Ice: i dare you to hug thorn!

Solar and thorn: (*blushes*) ehh?!

Komari: hey is just brotherly love!

Patricia: don't be shy! My ship never sink! I like boboiboy x Yaya kyaaaa!!!!

Scarlet: hey what the matter with you?

Patricia: ehehehe sorry I am just a fan of BoYa!

All the boboiboys: (*blushes*)

Komari: just do the dare!

Solar: *hugs thorn* (*blushes*)

Thorn: (*blushes*) (^\\\^)

Komari Patricia and Scarlet: *tooks out CP and takes a picture of them* capture the moment!

Solar: *spins the bottle*

The bottle lands to Komari and Scarlet!

Scarlet: okay Komari truth or dare?

Komari: mmm..... Truth!

Scarlet: okay whose your crush?

All Boboiboys: Ooo~ Komari is Inlove...

Patricia: if you say it I will happy!

Komari: mm.....

Scarlet: don't make me have charm~

Patricia: ooo~ so pretty and cute!

Komari: fine! Yes! I have a crush on Kaizo! (*Blushes*)

Scarlet: haha! I knew it!

Patricia wait gotta text kaizo!

Komari: wait don't!

Cyclone and blaze: too late she's already texting

Thunderstorm: hehehe yeah aswome!

Solar: text him!

Messager 💬


Hey kaizo Komari Chan has a big
Crush on you!


Really?! Wow! She really do like me.! Wait tell this
To her that I have a crush on her too


Okie! Bye bye!


Bye! Patricia!


Komari: nuu! Now he know my secret...!

Scarlet: ehehehehehe yeah aswome!

Quake: guys were here!

Hello ScarletHeart328 and
patricia0613 you will join this story
Of mine forever! If you want to!
So please vote and comment! Bya!

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