What happened to you guys?!

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Komari: *yawn* good morning gu- O MY HOLY COWS! What happened to you guys?! And Quake what Happened?!

Quake: well early in the morning you were sleeping right? And adudu shoot us and turn my simblings into baby!...
Can you help me to take care of them you have to tell adudu that when this will end...!

Komari: okay!

At adudu's head quarters...

Komari: hey adudu come out whenever you are!

Probe: Mister. boss! Komari is here! *Wimping*

Adudu: what?! Oh no we have to surrender ourselves!

Komari: hey come out!

Adudu: we serrender!

Komari: hey! I'm not gonna fight you one question when will the baby translator will end??

Adudu: well in 3 hours!

Komari: what?! 3 hours?! *Faint* oh no I have to take care all of them huhuhu!

After Komari arrived at her house...

Komari: hey Quake it will end in 3 hours!

Quake: Good! And we need our friends to take care of this! Call them!!!

Komari: ok ok bossy..! *Call the gang* hey guys come here we need your help no more questions!

After boboiboy's friends arrived...

Gopal: hey why are you- HOLY COWS! What happened?!

Quake: I don't like to tell everything... -_-

Komari: same here -_-

Yaya: are we going to take care of them?

Quake: yep okay! Fang your gonna help to change diapers of the babies

Fang: hah?! Why me?!

Gopal: cause you remember you change diapers of your baby sister...!

Fang: Fine...! -_-

Komari: okay you ying your gonna help the baby go to sleep!

Ying: aye aye ma'am!

Quake: and Gopal your gonna feed the baby!...

Gopal: easy peasy!

Komari: and Yaya your gonna make the baby happy!

Yaya: I'm on it!

After they take care of them...

Fang's situation...

Fang: okay baby blaze time to change your diapers!

B. Blaze: hahaha Pang!

Fang: call me fang..!

B. Blaze: pang!

Fang: Fang!

B. Blaze: pang!

Fang: forget about it! Let's change your diapers!

Ying's situation...

Ying: okay baby ice and Thorn time to sleep!

B. Ice: mi want milk!

Ying: okay here you go!... *Gives a warm milk*

B. Ice: *sips it*  *sleeps*

Ying: *carried ice to his baby cage* hmm~! His so cute.

B. Thorn: *pulling ying's pants* mommy ying..! Me want to sleep to me want to drink Melk..!

Ying: here you go *gives the warm milk and carried him and put him in his baby cage*  so kawaii~

Gopal's situation...

Gopal: hmm? What do you eat! Aha! Change it into warm milk! *The rock turn into warm Milk* here!

B. Thundy: *sips it and spits it to Gopal*

Gopal: ew..! Hmm? Aha! *Grabs a big rock* change it into red carrot soup!

B. Thundy: me want it!

Gopal: here you go *gives the soup*

B. Thundy: yummy!

Yaya:s situation.....

Yaya: okay you ow! *Hold her hair* ow ow ow cyclone no!

Cyclone: ahahaha me want your googles! *Hold her hair again*

Yaya: ow ow ow (T-T) why..?

B. Solar: *gives Yaya a hug* do not cry me here!

Yaya: *blushes* huh? *Gets her Googles and give it to cyclone*

B. Cyclone: yay! Thank you Yaya *kisses her in the cheek*

Yaya: *blushes more* err...? 😳

Komari and quakes situation...

Komari: hey quake Yaya has a good time now look! *Points to Yaya*

B. Solar: hahaha come catch me Yaya *shakes his butt*

B.Cyclone: hahaha come and catch us!

Yaya: you better be come here! *Chases them*

Quake: aww~! Your right!

After the boboiboys friends are done taking care of them...

Ying: see you boboiboy and Komari!

Komari: see you!

After that all the boboiboys turn into normal again...

All the boboiboys ( Quake ): since when did we wore a diaper! *Blushed of emberestment*

Komari: *click* hehehe this will go to Facebook!...

Quake: haa~ co'mn change your clothes..!

Solar: hey I remember that I hugged Yaya when she is crying...!

Cyclone: and I remember I kissed her in the lips..!

Komari: of course that what happened a minute ago...!

Cyclone and solar: *blushes and goes to their rooms*

Quake: hehehe yeah aswome! *👍*

Komari: *dreaming oh kaizo* haa~! His so cute and handsome..!

Quake: who kaizo~!

Komari: what no! *Blushes* yes yes I did..!


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