we need papa zola...

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All the boboiboys we're eating breakfast but Komari was playing Japanese games... Scarlet was editing her story at her loptop and Patricia is reading
A fanfiction about FaYi and BoYa on her phone...

After eating...

Blaze: guys! Did see ice I need his help...

Thunderstorm: why?

Cyclone: because his room on fire...

Blaze: really?! *Goes to his room* AAAHHHHHH!!!! MA ROOM IS REALLY FIRE!!!! AAAHHHH!!! ICE I NEED YOU!!!!! *Goes to Ice's room*

Komari: okay this is getting annoying Scarlet here! *Gives the nickname changer invention*

Scarlet: who's first?

Patricia: maybe thundy-MoMo!

Thunderstorm: wait wut?

Scarlet: *presses the botton*

(A/N): thunderstorm's name turn into thundy-MoMo...

thundy-MoMo: really! Even my name!

Patricia: of course...

Back to the conversation!!!

Blaze: ice!!! I nee- wut? *Saw ice*

Blaze saw ice was fat! BOBOIBOYOT! ahahahahahaha!!!

Ice: what? *Yawn*

Blaze: why are you so fat?

Ice: don't ask...*sleeps*

Blaze: oh well *inhales* ICE!!!! MA ROOM!!!IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ice: do it yourself i'm getting sleepy....

Blaze: but you have to do it...

Quake: blaze! Your room not on fire anymore!

Blaze: okay thanks quake!

After for a few moments ice was down stairs cyclone blaze and Komari was the one that laugh at him but Komari was holding her laugh...

Cyclone: buwahahahaha!!!! That's halarious!

Blaze: ahaha!

Komari: *trying not to laugh* *puffs her cheek* ...

Scarlet: okay we need papa Zola...

Patricia: yeah we need him...

Ice: hey I was to busy eating...

Quake: haya...*calls papa Zola*

Papa Zola: yes my student of the truth?

Quake: we need your help cause ice turn into boboiboyot...

Papa Zola: okay! I'll be right their!

Patricia and Scarlet: in 3...2...1!

*Ding *dong

Komari: works every time...! 🎵 thundy-MoMo he's your best friend!🎵

Thundy-MoMo: shut up...

Papa Zola: I'm here!

And quake open the door...

Ice: aww~ I'm to for exercise! *Sleeps*

Blaze: *Carried ice* ow my back! Your heavy! Ugh! Your so heavy is just like a sack rice!

Ice: shut! Up~

Papa Zola: 0oo~ don't be lazy young one the justice will help you let's go!

And they exercise happly ever after the end!

Please vote and comment bye Bye!!!

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