Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

"Erm...I don't know...cold?"

Ed laughed and shook his head. "No, I're you feeling, like...inside! Yeah, that's totally cheesy are you feeling? You know...inside?"

Taylor slightly raised her eyebrows. She knew what he meant, but couldn't bring herself to admit it in front of Ed. Then again, Ed did seem to be being honest with her now.

"Well...I kind of have..."

"Go on," Pressed Ed, smiling encouragingly.

"I kind of have...butterflies!" Taylor admitted, instantly expecting Ed to suddenly go all weird with her as usual. But instead, Ed grinned.

"Me too," Ed nodded, his smile not faltering. Taylor grinned back at him, feeling a huge weight fall off her shoulders.

"But, not like normal butterflies. Like...different ones. Like, deep butterflies?"

"Deep?" Laughed Ed.

"Well...I don't know, I can't describe it!"

Ed grinned and picked up the pen. "Erm, how about...something like...

And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies,"

"Yeah!" Smiled Taylor, taking the pen off Ed. "That's fits. But what about something about how the butterflies are different, like...

And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies,
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,"

Taylor finished, smiling to herself at how the lyrics had just seemed to flow.

"Yes! You're a genius!" Grinned Ed. "But I think we might get some more inspiration somewhere else,"

"Ok...where?" Taylor asked, half excitement half nervousness.

Ed smiled a cheeky grin."You wanna see my trampoline?"


An hour and a half later, Ed and Taylor were laid on the trampoline, the burning sun hitting their bare arms, talking about Everything Has Changed, the song they'd just finished.

"So, what do you think of the song?" Taylor asked, sitting up slightly and leaning back so that the sun hit her chin instead of her eyes.

"I think it's awesome!" Exclaimed Ed, sitting up too. "You think it'll end up on your next album?"

"I really hope so!" Smiled Taylor. "But I can't be sure yet. The next albums a while off yet,"

"Sure," Grinned Ed, crossing his legs and straightening his back so that he resembled a small child in a class room.

"What about you?" asked Taylor, rolling onto her stomach so that she could for once look up at Ed instead of down at him. "Are you working on a new album?"

"Well, kind of. But I think my next one will be a while off too. I mean, I'd like to do a tour with this one and then...we'll see what happens," Ed smiled looking away as though he could see the future in front of his eyes and liked what he saw.


"Uh huh?"

"Why'd you run away?" Eds eyes suddenly flashed back to meet Taylor, the smile vanishing off his face. "And why were you so secretive? And why were you so scared of actually trying to...make something happen?"

Ed continued to just stare at her whilst Taylor thought about what she'd just said. They were valid questions, though they obviously didn't really make sense. For one thing, Ed had every right to be secretive if there was something he'd wanted to hide, but Taylor was almost 100% sure he had nothing to hide. And her question about him being afraid to 'make things happen'...of course nothing had actually happened between them since they'd gone out on to the trampoline. They'd finished the song, talked, jumped up and down, all of which had lead them to here, where they were sat in silence, both wrapped up in their own thoughts.

Finnally, Ed spoke. "I guess..." Ed swallowed and tried again. "I guess I was scared because...well, my last relationship ended pretty...messily. And we're both so exposed to the paparazzi, and we're already friends so...I guess I didn't want to jump into a relationship with you to just end up running out of it. And I didn't want it to end messily, meaning that we can't be friends anymore. Because I really couldn't lose you as a friend, Taylor," Ed said, looking up at her. "You mean to much to me,"

Taylor swallowed and stared right back at Ed. "Ok. you were scared of...things ending badly? That's no reason to not try! Trust me, I know what it's like for a relationship to end really, really messily. And I know what it's like to have someone break your heart and to, without meaning to, break someone else's. And, trust me, I wouldn't want either of those endings with you, but...I still want us to happen, despite of them! I still want us to try and learn about each other and learn about how we feel about each other give this a go!"

Ed simply stared at her, stunned, before replying. "Great philosopher Swift, blows minds again!"

Taylor raised her eyebrows. That was not the reaction she'd expected. Despite that, she laughed anyway, seeing a look of relief wash over Ed as she did so.

"Look," She continued, after their laughter had ceased. "I..." But before she could continue, a memory washed over her. A past relationship she'd had with a boy, her first love, and how he'd broke her heart over the phone. And how she'd had to filter her emotions into song writing, but how that still hadn't felt like enough.

And how she'd jumped into another relationship, with her feelings about her previous one not 100% over, and had ended up breaking her new boyfriends sweet, innocent, beautiful heart. And how she'd felt so bad afterwards.

But then she'd finally found someone who she could talk to, a friend who'd gone through something similar, her childhood and still now best friend Britany, and how talking about her feelings and emotions about the two boys had helped her move on so much. Just talking to someone about it, someone who cared, and getting it off her chest had helped her so much and made her feel better about possibly dating in the future again. And she couldn't help but wonder if that's what Ed needed.

"Have you spoke to anyone about your breakup?" Taylor asked Ed. He shook his head, looking down.

"Do you you think talking about it would help?"

Ed looked up suddenly and met her eyes. He shrugged an 'I don't know' but his eyes told a completely different answer. Yes.

Taylor smiled at him and got up from the trampoline.

"Wait, where are you going?" Ed asked, turning around to let his eyes follow her towards the house.

She beckoned him to follow her and watched him get up from the trampoline too, picking up the song sheet as he did.

Taylor then went inside and sat down on the sofa, where they'd been sat before, and waited for Ed to come in.

She was finally going to understand why he was so nervous to start a relationship again.

She was finally going to get to know him better.

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