I'm_S t i l l_H e r e

779 22 7

"Heh--Hehhhhhhhhehhhhhehhhehhehehe~ Cmon sweeethearttt~~~" Sans drank five big bottles.

"Sans!! Your drunk!" Frisk shouted in concern.

"Aawwwwwwww whhhy so seeerious??" Sans giggled.

"Sans! Something might happen to youS!" Frisk slapped sans

"owwaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Hehe~ soo meaan~~~"

Frisk looked at the skeleton that was.. Constantly flirting with her.. Frisk shugged it off as she grabbed his slippers and hit him on the head.

"What?? Owww that hurrted"

"Stop.. I'm serious. " Frisk stared at him with a blank expression, and a annoyed grin.

"bangg me swwetheartttt~" Sans drank another bottle as he grabbed frisks hand and placed her on his lap.

"Ah! What are you doing?!" Frisk sat there in shock.

"And no. Im not gonna bang anyone like you. " Frisk shook her head.

"Ah~ so you're not gonna? Well them I'll do it~" Sans chuckled.

"NO. " Frisk slapped sans with a firm voice.

"Aw. Your no fun sweetcheeks'' Sans wiped the beer out of his mouth.

Frisk grumbled as she let out a patient sigh and sans snapped out of his drunkness.

"Well... I couldnt find anyone else to do this misson but you!" Frisk giggled.

"...what?" Sans blushed, as he tillted his  head.

"...Um it needs explaining. And you might think i'm rather crazy. " Frisks soft laughter faded into a serious tone, as her face became dull and petals growing.

"....Do you see these flowers? Well soon, i'm gonna be like one of them "

Sans wondered what she ment as he continued listening to what she had to say, "And... Once my soul... The seventh one. You guys.. Can be free" the word 'Free' rang in his mind, and thought he could never see the sun agian. "And I need you.. To bring my soul to Asgore.. And break the barrier for me.. My time is short.. " Frisk nervous giggle as she eargly waits his responce. "Bring your soul to Asgore, huh?" Sans placed his hand on his chin. "Well thats gonna be easy. "

Sans thought that frisk would give him her soul, and nothing would happen, the barrier.. Broken and all seven souls are collected. He and his brother can finally live in peace!

But he forgot about the flowers.

"Your gonna do it?" Frisk whisperd as her face brightened up, like a child.
"Yes... I guess i'll do it for you--- SINCE you asked..." Sans continued.

Frisks face was full of mysteries. She plasterd a fake smile on her face--- Knowing that he doesnt know everything yet.

She grinned, with and little sadness and gloom, but her smile coverd everything.

"Aha.. Okay" Frisk nodded.


The snow crunching as frisk walked, she could hear her footsteps and someone elses. She walked with sadness that pulled her shoulders, though she smilled, and hid her tears for the show.

"Walk faster doll." Sans said behind her, Frisk nodded and walked a little bit fast but not fast enough. Sans sighed as he picked up frisk bridale style. Frisk gasped as she saw sans holding her back and her thys. Which made her blush a little bit from embarassment.

Sans griped her and started walking out of snowdin. "You see doll, if you want me to escort you all the way to the ends of the earth, you need to pick up the pace. " Sans paused, keeping his look blank and not let anything  'Slip' out. "I'm glad you came with me." Frisks soft voice and whispers filled, as she stayed quiet and the sound of crunching snow can be heard. "Hey, Sweetheart... Why didya' pick me for this job. You couldave' picked that... Dumb plant" Sans continued.

"Flowey is a flower. " Frisk blankly said. Thought he might already understand it. She let out a small giggle that he didnt know it all yet.

"Yeah.." Sans paused, keeping his lips slient. "But.. Why do you have growing flowers on you?"  Sans spoke softly, keeping his words gentle.

Frisk tillted her head, looking downwards as she kept her lips in a straight line (So that nothing would come out)

"...Oh okay, forget about anything fucking stupid" Sans looked away from frisks gentle face as he faced forward with a blank expression.

"NGAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" A battle scream(Or cry) could be heard from the distance, as a warrior in armour started chasing after them, throwing sharp spears.

Sans let out a sigh, as frisk held on tight to Sans. The warrior stopped walking as she was suprised to see what she saw.

"S-Sans-!?" The warrior said, holding her spear close to her, with terror. "Hello Undyne." Sans smirked as he pulled frisk close to his chest. "Are you gonna-- I mean.. Did you catch the human?! We should give them to Papyrus.. Heh right...?" She gasped as sweat started dripping from her forhead.

Sans raised an eyebrow at Undyne. "Oh.. So this belongs to Papyrus right?" His smirk grew as he casually said; "Too bad. Shes mine. " Sans narrowed his eyes at undyne as her annoyed grin, yet playful one started twitching from anger.

"Listen.. Sans, I dont care if shes anyones. But lets just bring her to papyrus. OKAY?!" Undynes grin faded in to a more serious expression as she slowley gripped the human.

"Heh. Back off. " Sans white puplis disappeard. Frisk was shocked as undyne raised an eyebrow at them and said with a grave amd serious tone: "Fine. If you dont want to give her to me... I'll take her with force. " Undyne twitched a smile.

She threw spears, at them as she said "Give them to me. " She threw spears agian, fast enough as the adrenaline flew up.

Frisk gasped as spears started hitting them but Sans simply dodged everything with a lazy expression.

"Eh-- why you little son of a" Undyne grumbled, her twitched smile as she threw spears right to Sans face, but he simply dodged it.

Sans's puplis reapeard as his red magic appeard "My turn. " Sans grinned as magic bones started hitting undyne.

His grin grew as he as one of his gaster blasters attacked undyne.


After the smoke settled undyne felt weak as she stood up, Weakly trembling. Sans steped closer and gripped frisk tight as he leaned into undynes face, and said in a blank tone; "Okay? Shes mine. "

"O--okay. I'll g-go. " Undyne weakly trembled.

"Now be a good little fish, and tell papyrus. "

Undyne nodded as she ran straight back to snowdin, with scraches and bruses.


I'll be fine sometimes kindness is enough..

HOI GUESS WHAT?! 1075 WORDS!!! WOWIE!! Im soo happy!?!


"Snas i dunt want 2 go"
"u need 2 sweathurt"
"wat df" o no a nerdy diansaur
"u little shit im so surry"
"Wtf snas why did u let da heman gu"


hahahahahahahah goodbye pretties

Don't Cry. (Fell!Sans x FlowerFell!Frisk) FlowerfellWhere stories live. Discover now