Prologue: The Typewritter

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Prologue: The Typewriter

I sat down at my desk. It was small, tucking itself neatly into the corner. It was wooden and looked much more modern than the rustic looking typewriter that sat atop it.

I wasn't in the mood to do my homework or talk to my young boy-crazy sister, who casually followed me and bounded onto my bed.

I took a deep breath, exhaling over the metal keys as a cloud of black dust filled the air. I cough and my eyes water as I rest my hands on the round metal keys.

I remembered the day she taught me to type with it.

She sat me down beside her in a chair and placed my fingers, smaller and clumsier than they are now, on the keys. I was 8 and even those 8 years ago, it seemed foreign to me.

It was hard for me at first and drained my patience, but slowly I got a feel for the keys and was able to type faster.

It was a small freedom from the challenging and confusing. world that I lived in. A world that could come crashing down at any minute.

It was her gift to me, though small it was the most meaningful thing I'd ever received.

"Write what you know." Was her only warning.

She told me the keys was how she found us and herself. It was how she escaped the trials and hate of the world around her. After 4 years it was what, finally, saved her.

Everything was different now though. For nearly a year I had been afraid to type. Afraid to touch the keys. I was older now and after 8 years of confusion, I felt ready as I'd ever be. I wanted to clear the air. To finally let go of her memory, the one that affected me the most. The one that only my father fully understood.

"I don't know what the big deal is with that old piece of junk." Lucy said as she laid sprawled out on my bed, her phone poised in her hand as she continued rapidly typing. She placed the phone down and sat up to look over at me and I gave her a half-hearted nod. "I mean the keys are so stiff and there's no backspace key on it-" Her phone beeped beside her and she cut herself off as she checked it. A goofy grin quickly spread across her face and I knew immediately who the text was from, Nick.

"It's what saved mamma...I don't know why, but I think maybe it can save me too-"

Lucy snickered as she came up behind me and rested her hands on my shoulders and chin on the top of my head. "It's been a year. You need to learn to let her go and move on."

I shrugged my shoulders as I stared down at the typewriter under my hands. I let my fingers glide across the keys before placing them in my lap. "I'm trying, don't say I'm not! I just-" I sighed the words just didn't come to mind.

"I'm sorry Cami. I worry." she said as she extended her hands infront of me, resting her head on my shoulder and gave an awkward hug from behind. She kissed my cheek before heading for the door. "I've gotta go Nick is waiting. I'll be home later if you wanna talk to someone."

I nodded, my thoughts were still far too jambled to allow my mind to form words. Instead I sat there nodding like an idiot long after she'd gone.

I turned back to the old typewriter and began to type. The familiar feeling quickly cleared my mind as my fingers raced across the cool keys.

Camille Braxton

October 2, 2010

The Wish

'The Wish.' I thought. I didn't know why I typed that part, but I was inclined to keep it.

I stared at the page. I didn't know why, but I just couldn't think of the words I needed.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I thought. I thought of her.

I opened the top drawer of the desk and pulled out a purple binder. Across it in sharpie marker in neat penmanship it said "Memories of HER."

I flipped through the book as Jordan walked in. His perky demeanor quickly grabbing my attention. He must've just been dropped off.

He threw his bag into the pile and sat down heavily on my bed. He wasn't heavy, but the bed creaked under his weight.

"What're you up to this time Chameleon?" He asked in a perky tone.

I placed my finger to my lips indicating to him that he should be quiet. Not just because I was preoccupied, but also because I was lacking the ability to speak.

His face grew sombre as he looked at the typewriter with the paper fed into it and the distinct purple binder that sat open beside it.

"Oh...Chameleon, I'm sorry." He sputtered quietly searching for his words.

He was the only one who called me Chameleon. Everyone else called me Cam, Camille, or Cami, but he was different. He was very protective of me and Lucy despite the fact he was much younger than both of us. It was like he was really the eldest.

I shook my head, "It's fine, I just...miss her sometimes." I said as I sat down beside him.

He was four years younger and already a bit taller than me. Even his knowledge was far beyond the limitations of his age. He wrapped his arm casually around my shoulders. And instinctively I rested my head on his shoulder and wiped my tears.

"I miss her too." He said, "Nobody blames you, it was a year ago today that she..." He cut himself off, but I knew.

I just nodded as I pulled him in for a full hug. His familiar little brother smell was intoxicating and so familar it gave me a means to speak since I knew he would understand.

"I'm just so sick of being 'that girl', I mean the one without." I shrugged, "You both act like it was nothing and then, well there's me."


I was super nervous to publish this as I am new to the whole idea, but here's the prologue at least for a story I've been working on for some time, I hope you enjoy!

On the right is how I picture Camille looks... Yes like Hayley Williams from Paramore. (I don't listen to Paramore)

Please let me know your thoughts!

Hope you enjoy! :)

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