Chapter Sixty-Four:

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Jack was pacing anxiously back and forth in the eerily silent hallway, minus the muffled sounds coming from Bobby's ward, while Ethel sat with Jackie on a bench along the wall. Her arms as well as Jackie's were wrapped around her trembling body as she stared blankly forward, her lips moving slowly as she spoke a silent prayer. Jackie's eyes were less still as they moved in a slow cycle to watch Ethel, then her husband, and then finally the door, still heavily guarded, before returning to her shivering friend to repeat the rotation. 

 There were no more nurses leaving the room which was hopefully a good sign but Jackie had no clue. Throughout the day she had been getting bouts of déjà vu most likely due to the multiple times she was in Ethel's position and Jack in Bobby's.  Jacqueline suppressed a shiver of her own, wanting to be strong for Ethel, and instead pulled her tighter.

 A sudden burst of movement caused all three Kennedys to look over to the figure running down the hall; it was Ted.

"How the hell did you get here so fast?" Jack questioned the moment his brother was within earshot.

Ted didn't answer and instead gasped out, "How is he?"

Ethel shrugged and returned to staring at the white wall across from her.

"We don't know," Jackie said softly. "He's been in there for hours now; the doctors won't say anything."

Turning away from the two women, Ted pulled Jack over to him and asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to pain Ethel more by having her hear his words, "Where was he shot?"

"In the hotel kitchen," Jack answered, putting his fist to his lips, something he often did when nervous. "The bullet went through his neck...or so I thought..."

Ted nodded before pointing discreetly with his thumb to Ethel, "How's she doing?"

Jack sighed, "She's taking it as well as she can...but I can tell she's hurting deeply... She hasn't left Jackie's side. God, Teddy...can you imagine if...well... all those will she ever do it?"

"Two things, Jack," Ted began sternly but with a gentle look in his eyes, "Bobby's going to make it; he's a Kennedy. And second...if for some damn reason he doesn't...Ethel has you, Jackie, me...all of us."

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