Chapter Seventeen:

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January 15th, 1964: 11:27 P.M.

Louisville, Kentucky: Sunrise Hospital


"J-Jack?" Jackie whispered, her voice hoarse as she blinked open her eyes. She found herself in a hospital bed and watched as a doctor entered the room with a clipboard, a smile on his face.

"Ah, you're awake; wonderful!" The doctor said as he checked her vitals. "And your vitals look great too! I'm doctor Motly by the way."

"What...happened?" Jackie asked softly, relaxing back into the bed.

"You lost consciousness and you weren't breathing so your agent called 911 and administered CPR. Luckily he knew what he was doing and you just have some bruising around your frontal rib cage, no breaks or anything severe." Doctor Motly answered as he sat in a chair next to her bed. "It will hurt for a while though."

"Why did I pass out?" Jackie asked nervously, as she shifted in her bed, noticing the pain in her chest now that he mentioned it. "What's wrong?"

"Once we got you on the helicopter, to take you here, your heart began to beat again and your breathing was shallow but you were still out. We did some tests and took some blood samples and came to discover that you were loaded with amphetamines, or as the President explained, Dr. Max Jacobson's "wonder" drug cocktail."

"Jack!" Jackie said suddenly, no longer caring about her condition. "Where is he?!"

"He's in the nearby waiting room just down the hall. He left you not too long ago so I could check up on you; I'll call him in shortly," Doctor Motly told her calmly, placing a hand on her shoulder and gently pushing her back down into her pillow.

"Okay," Jackie said slowly, breathing out a breath of relief. "Please continue."

"The President also told us that those injections were nothing new to you and that you have never reacted to them like this. So, doing a little more digging, we came to discover why it sent your body into shock.

You ate a lot of fruit at the dinner tonight, which is an alkaline food, meaning it has a pH higher than 7 and has a more profound effect on amphetamines; typically it wouldn't have mattered but there's a little fact, you may not know, which added to the stress your body was under, making you more vulnerable.

Are you aware, Mrs. Kennedy that you are just about 7 weeks pregnant?"

Jackie's jaw dropped as she stared at him for a whole minute before stuttering out, "W-what, how...wh...I can't be 7 weeks pregnant! I took a test about 5 weeks ago and it turned out negative."

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