Chapter Fifty-Four:

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Tokyo, Japan ~ 11:00 A.M.:

"The amount of people running around is amazing," Jackie commented as she and Jack rode through Tokyo in a closed-top car, looking out the windows. "I mean, I've seen many people out and about before but this is just crazy."

"The only thing that has changed from the last time I was here is that there are even more people," Jack joked to his wife, sitting back to look out the windshield instead.

"Is Hanami going to be here?" Jackie asked, still looking out her window.

Jack smiled at the thought of Kohei Hanami, the commander of the Japanese destroyer that sunk his P.T. boat. The two of them, once enemies, have become great friends since they started writing each other back when Jack was running for Senator. "Last we wrote," Jack answered. "He told me how he wouldn't miss it for the world and that he deeply regrets not being able to meet me the last time I was in his country. So I think that's a yes."

"And your crews?"

"The remaining survivors of both our ships are scheduled to reunite at Noon. I don't know how many are able to come though."

The conversation ended there as the driver approached a large building, which apparently has a large Japanese garden in a courtyard, where the reunion would take place.

After parking across the street, Jack and Jackie were guided over by a short man with large glasses and a warm smile. The whole time he was expressing his gratefulness that they were able to visit Tokyo and how many people here, as well as himself, admired the both of them very much. And it showed.  Every so often a group of fifteen people or more would stop whatever they were doing, wherever-even in the middle of the street, to catch a glimpse or throw a wave the Kennedy's way. Both would return the wave with a large smile while their guide continued to chat to them. 

After entering the large, modern building, they were immediately led down a red-carpeted hall to two large, glass doors with Japanese characters painted on them.

"Do those characters say anything specific?" Jackie asked their guide.

He smiled brightly at her and replied, pushing open the door for her, "Yes. Earthly Paradise."

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