Chapter Fifteen:

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December 30th, 1963

Hyannis Port, M.A.


It was a little after 10:00, and Jackie was sitting on one of the large rocks that jutted out over the ocean as the waves splashed beneath it; an occasional stray drop landing on her bare feet.

Jack had gone out sailing around 8:30 and she was watching his boat bob in the distance, along with the numerous shapes the large cumulus clouds took. Jackie would have gone with him but she wanted to stay in bed and sleep for another hour.

As she sat by herself, she found her mind wandering back to her health. She felt...different...that was the only way she could describe herself, and the fact she still didn't get her period worried her even more. It was rarely irregular and surely it wouldn't completely skip a month.

Jackie looked down at her bare, slightly chilled, arms, as they rested across her knees, and followed the trail of her veins beneath the skin, counting the spaced out, faint needle marks from Jacobson's multiple injections of "wonder" drugs or whatever he cared to call it.

She made her decision.

She was going to stop taking Jacobson's shots. She knew she was addicted and that just stopping wouldn't be easy but she just didn't feel right about them, or him, anymore.

Jackie was so lost in her thoughts she never noticed Jack came back to shore and was walking toward her across the rippled sand.

"Aren't you cold?" Jack asked her with a grin as he stepped up onto the dark grey rock and sat down next to her.

"Mmm," she shrugged as she continued to look out.

Jack scoffed with a smirk as he slipped off his Presidential leather jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Here. We can't have the First Lady catching a cold, not when New Years is right around the corner."

"Pfft," Jackie returned with an eye roll as she smiled and put on his jacket; it was so warm and she found herself adding, "Thanks."

Jack put his arm around her and pulled her into his side as he watched the waves with her for a few minutes before saying, "You know you don't need to feel like you need to campaign with me next year if you don't want to. I know how much you despise your so-called "Harpies"."

"Oh, Jack," Jackie responded with a small laugh as she brushed aside her hair.

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