Chapter Forty-Five:

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July 13th, 1964:

"I'm sorry, Kid," Jack said over the phone, genuinely guilty that his speech was postponed to tomorrow.

"It's alright, I understand," Jackie told him gently. "Where are you now anyway?"

"Tempe, Arizona," Jack answered before letting out a sigh and drifting to another subject. "I'm worried about Caroline."


"I told her I'd be back by now...she's worried I won't be with you if something happens...I'm worried too," Jack replied running a hand through his damp hair as he sat back in the tub, the hot water easing his back muscles.

"Oh...I'm sure she'll be alright. She's with Janet now anyway; so she probably doesn't even know you're still gone," Jackie tried to reassure as she twisted the phone cord around her finger.

"I don't know," Jack began to tease. "She's able to find stuff out pretty quickly...just like her mother."

Jackie scoffed at that before asking, "So you'll be back the 14th then?"

"Hopefully," Jack replied. "But it depends when I leave after my speech." His tone suddenly changed, like he was almost nervous about something, "By the way, have you been feeling alright?"

"Just an occasional bout of morning sickness but nothing to worry about, Bunny," Jackie answered sweetly, a little concerned at his tone of voice. "Why do you sound so nervous?"

"Oh...I...I don't know. Just a stupid dream I had the other night...I've been feeling funny ever since but it's probably nothing," Jack told her, straining to push back the anxiety in his voice.

"What was it about?" Jackie asked softly, releasing the phone cord.

"It...," He was unsure of whether or not he should tell her. It wasn't a good dream and he didn't want to upset or worry her. "Do I need to tell you now? It may disturb you..."

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