Chapter Eighteen:

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"What do they know?" Jack asked Pierre as he looked at his reflection in a dark, glass door, fixing his tie and hair.

"I honestly don't know what they were all already told, Sir. They've been pestering people all night," Pierre answered as Jack turned from the door, ready to face the Press. "Nobody talked...earlier."

Jack took in a deep breath before smiling at him and replying, "Well I guess we'll find out won't we?"

"Yes, Sir," Pierre answered with a curt nod and a small smile before leading him out to where the Press were gathered.

The instant the door opened and Jack stepped outside, cameras flashed and numerous, jumbled questioned were shouted out to him. The area was lit up brightly, so they were able to see Jack when he held up his hands, signaling for them to quiet down while Pierre shouted at them.

"That's better," Jack smiled once they settled.

"What happened to Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. President!?" A reporter instantly shouted, stirring up many murmurs of agreement.

"She had an allergic reaction to some of the dinner we had tonight," Jack answered carefully. "Nothing serious."

"How is she feeling?!" Another one shouted in return.

"Better," Jack answered. "A little tired."

Flashes sounded for a few seconds as the Press jotted down some things, when a young reporter in the back shouted, "Sir! We have heard that Mrs. Kennedy is expecting another child. Can you confirm or deny this rumor?"

Jack fell silent as he slowly blinked. He knew Jackie wanted to keep that on the down low, at least till she was visibly pregnant, as did he, but he also knew he couldn't lie. Well, he could, but he didn't want to do that-not with an election approaching.

After taking in a breath, Jack answered, "Yes, my wife was found to be pregnant, and we would like to stress how much we want and NEED our privacy involving this matter. She is not public property and deserves to be left alone as much as she can be. Having too many people hounding her on things like this puts stress on her and our child."

"We understand, Sir," an older reporter in the front replied. Speaking of course of the reporters around him, not necessarily the Press as a whole. Jack knew they would be after Jackie still, but at least he got out his words.

"How far along is she?" A woman reporter asked.

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